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Addicted To Him

Chapter 4 Episode 4

Word Count: 1083    |    Released on: 12/07/2021


ck come from outside, he hesitated to reply because

standing in front of his office


hts and almost flinch when she saw o

t here?" He asks

d, I just want to let you know that Doctor Joan is outside yo

e thought to himself as

o him for a while back, he's absent minded and doe

have a choice, he ju

heepishly as she wa

n" he snapped at her when he

e thought, twisting her mouth as she stood

going home soon" he mutter

he stutter, fiddlin

e?- Justin has that kind

see through her right now, they'l

hear Joan from his mouth?, It has always been Doctor, Doct

rds till tommorow, get my bag please" he requested, standing up f

hite gown, Tema, the nurse, handed him his bag and he

stares at the handsome and hot Doctor Jus

n- Joan thought as she

te till I drive away?" He

I also have some other things to say to yo

glared at him, praying deeply t

ow, anytime soon" he uttered slow

Just let me b

er" she was starting to cluth herself on to him, is this

ped, hoping what he wou

back with me?, I don't have a plan to

a part of Joan shattered into pieces

re do you wanna eat?" He hums when she w

ing!" She mumbl

b too, he was just waiting

d idea to ge


sure reporters aren't around" Natasha mumbled as th

u have anyone to impress?"

rolled her eyes at her and

if you don't wear it,

ha mumbled to herself, mak

d, arching her brows with th

ou're not supposed to hear?" Oh God!

hrow the dress on her laps,

s mate" she shrieked happily as

to see her friend happy, not all friends will be sad

for your fri

d if I were a guy" Ivy teased but the only thing

" Natasha raised her brows t

y're so close with each other, if only she c

ything to ke

lipstick" she said and Ivy stare

list?- she thought, bri

ht" Natasha blurted out, as

e them?" She quizzed


oking her best tonight, she's really dressed

ned, she knows the consequences behind

you should guess how that hospital will be pa

she replie

all gasp to see who was sta

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