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Be My Alpha

Chapter 4 FULL MOON

Word Count: 998    |    Released on: 14/07/2021

d up against a comfortable male chest? Sleep or admire it. Well, she was done with the admiring part, so she decided to sleep. By the time she woke up, it was noon a

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dn't give two fucks about her. Oh well, she didn't give two fucks about him too, hell, she wouldn’t spare one. She turned to

hat way, but she was "a helpless rogue who didn't know how to fight and was the sweetest l

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gle against the bedpost.

clean up. Evander's caught up with

t and once he walked out, c

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. The floor was made of glass, white and she could actually see her reflection. Carefully placing one foot on it and

racks, clock, and door. The walk in closet was closed and she could see a huge mirror in front. Ignoring how scattered the reflection of her was in the mirror, she opened the closet and saw an array of c

ng back to the bed to eat when she heard a knock. She cursed under her breath and turned to see Evander ushering himself into the room. She figured it wa

lver ring on his right ring finger an

you're awake. H

rom the untouched food to h

have an a

he helpless rogue who's se

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y anyway. She sat at the far side of the bed, while he brought the food, holdin

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eyes. He pushed the spoon further and she open

a good

e nonexistent stain from her lips and kep

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gave it to someone she couldn't see behind the door and came back to sit beside her on

ments. Well, she didn’t get you much, cause i am not

e stood up, and collected a medium sized shopping bag, one that had the

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d, looking


pointed at a door to th

ything you will need is already in there. I prepared them esp

e had just let herself down from the bed when he popped

, need Uhmm...some underwear, it would

his face, red as ripe tomato. She just sh

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