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Madam Mafia

Madam Mafia

Author: Nana Adu

Chapter 1 Alone

Word Count: 940    |    Released on: 30/01/2023


sound of my alarm clock

k out the annoying beeps that assault my ears. I sigh, th

how I manage to get

land on my feet. Walking into my

as my stare reflects back t

a great

I brush my teeth and

dull red sweatshirt or... T

se than usual. I grab it,

ything. I hav

rry to the prison I call high school. I walk there si

had to learn to blend in a way I could just disappear. I foc

t if that's what will

ing here and there, nothing enough to

fists, sha

to think of

d a punch later, the locker opens. I place my books in and watch a

ly felt like I was surrounded by children. Brushing them off to t

sleep. I sigh, resisting the urge to run in the opposite direction, and start walking. I make it

? Whatever. N

om, left corner, next to the window. The morning sun shin

beside me, but despite my thoug

e him. Dark brown hair and eyes, nice build, h

ryone friends with them are a little ugly

r at him, as he stares

m done w

he was paying attention, after all. I shou

d away from him. The chair squeaks against

a second ago." He says, his voice a little loude

way too much a

for staring, I guess." I say, hoping


sks, amusement cl

this? Shit, why ca

ly?" He states.

lly say that out loud?

aid I was sorry." I say,

is going

ant me to fuck off. S

an't be his first friend

d of students walk through the door and the teac

st forget this whole

her calls out. Student mumble among themselves

yder sighs loudly, gets up, and

to the class, Ryder.

ome from the South, b

I still try to avoid eye contact. I can'

lse?" The t

ng with everyone." He winks and almost all t

should've just sat

oes through my chest as I glance up at

ther reason t

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