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Billionare's Secret Wife

Billionare's Secret Wife


Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 510    |    Released on: 15/07/2021


ged her knee the shawl was wrapping her body as well as her head..her face was shin

e in her life except--...she checked the time and frowned he was still

was back at home..her breath uneven as he ste

to make her shiver.. his shoe hit the ground

he stood up with a jerk tucking her hair strands behind her ear l

e mansion..she knew he hated her.. she knew he th

ear which escaped from her eyes..her lips broke into the sad smile as her m


u trying to seduce my husband" s

rolled down fr

ruel fat

husband you bloody homewrecker" she shouted again and c

one to help me..and she was giving m

s she yelled more profanities on me..I struggled tried to push her but it was impossible.. finally I pus


ause of you I lost my precious one I hate you soo

thing please list..en to me" I

stroyed everything you destroyed me" he said and then slap lan


sband sla

th.."go away go away I don't want you in my lif

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