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Billionare's Secret Wife

Chapter 5 Part 4

Word Count: 1261    |    Released on: 15/07/2021

cheeks.. it's been 10 days I said yes to my destruction..today w

r mumbai today morning only because of some important work...His younger brother samar he was a wei

designer lahenga.. Lekha mam arranged everything for me... Yesterday mehnd

ooking beautiful but I was not happy.. my face was glo

mind drifted to previous night when


idn't want this still..I looked at the moon from

ted to beat wildly..who was there at this t

ed and took the broom stick in my

he caught my wrist stopping me "you dumb girl it's me Neil" he whispered

(baby)?" I heard maa's voice

going to washroom" I said has

d my job which was looking do

om is suffering from brain tumor"

our mom right?" He questioned

don't need to do this I will help i

now I can't back off because if I did somet

d and turned to stepped inside my home but

with yourself shara

don't need your opinion Neil sir if you are having problem then you can just go and te


g my bangles jus

Sharanya" I smiled at her comme

r..I stood up and hugged her an

aa..I won't let anyt

ready?" It wa


s ready" she said and maa help

I chuckled sadly in my min

the priest was sitting ther

y you are here" I hea

he veil he was wear

st said and maa took

to o each other and priest tol

aa did the kanyadaan and then priest told

in my lahenga he helped me to stood up and we took

on" priest said and he filled my hai

e made me wear th

mam made us signed

his secret wife THE BI


t huh.. ohh yeah my so called sasumom has decorated the room

just change and sleep

and opened my veil..,'s

was here.. he stepped in closing the door be

him and about to stepped inside the washroom but he

reached my ears as he pinned me

e.. married to a Billionare"

are little Innocent girl but you are SELFISH and a GO

you were so stubborn to marry me because you want my money more you want luxury" his tone was full of hate while I shut my teary e

ehi hoti hai (girls like you just wants a rich boys to enjoy their life I know how fake you middle class girls are)" he shouted and

s already looking at me

ted and I did

act he clutched my arm opening the door of the roo

sting my head behind the wall..I started taki

a tag of GO

e tears rolled down from my eyes.. it's

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