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His Wife

Chapter 4 Part 3

Word Count: 1053    |    Released on: 15/07/2021

ted my time ughh I soo wanted to slam your handsome face on th

save myself!! What if she real

she grunted stomping

down" I s

ptionist humiliated me just because of you.. you are the sole

pressure to your vocal cord" I said and she looked

must be very thirsty after shouting so much" she muttered some curses unde

meet you at lunch but it's just slipped out of mind-

asha karte ho aap kya? (Did you so any cheap we

out shouting?" I aske

hungry I was..and I am still hungry ugh

I said and c

meeting today?" I ask

don't have any mee

put the telephone do

ething like pizza, burger or anything you like" I

t's going on

because your first impression was really bad" she

l order it and then we'll talk" I s

l be here anytime but I don't know which one you

pizza" I said and

arian" she said ma

veg and if you still does then you will sleep in oth


st for the pizza delivery..I t

taking a bite of pizza while I

it get cold)" she said to me.. I cleare

we--" she cut me off her

She got up from her seat

let me complet

ed in you either but just because of my dad I came here t

aid but she threw pizza on my directio

e making it dirty" I said being i

ht her wrist and she stumbled because of her heels and leaned o

hh" she winc

asked making he

ts" she m


d replied "my ankle

ndeed a baby and mom da

said and help her t


and knelt down infront o

need to do all

t" he said and o

oaned in pain again as

t" he said softly and next

t hurts so muchhh" she

k from tomorrow" he sa

cried while Avyaan menta

they heard

ravya" he said and

d from his mouth' she t

his marriage ok" he said softly befor

Avyaan replied and tu

ile Avyaan and Shravya's eye

Shravya shouted getting up from the couch and nex

l hurt more" Avyaan said gett

rson were looking

d you just get in without his

e you?" The

hravya said shaking her head "n


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