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His Wife

Chapter 5 Part 4

Word Count: 1012    |    Released on: 15/07/2021

were looking at them wi

d you just get in without his

re you?" An

hravya said shaking her head "n

he is talking with me like this" Anish

ame huh? I think your parents forgot to

o her she was about to say bu

ng important" Avyaan ask

it Sehgal and why are you calling her mam Avyaan" Shravya

ndeed a c

rtant" Avyaan said to her softly like he was handli

dare she talk to me l

Avyaan stopped her "it's my personal life Ma

and sent it back to me within an hour"

said agreeing whi

and you said you don't have any works tomo

o check it out can we talk later?" He

or you then I came here and now you are tellin

me Shravy

shka complete her sentence "Miss whoever I am n


girl" she muttere

Barging into someone's cabin without even kno

yaar" it was Avyaan a

yaan? Then what is she doing

's from Mr Arya's and our partnership project" said

new project?" I asked Av

re days left for the meeting and you are telling him to che

e questioned being co

know how to read english words because there it's clearly written it's still have time to check the file and

that I am a mannerless girl and now you are calling him by his name huh

barged in like this again" and

a" Ahaan exclaimed who was listeni

ting" I asked Ahaan while Avyaan was still shoc

s wife and I don't like he

ike her too" I said

And Avyaan finally asked

asked feigni

to her like that

not like she was talking with me ni

ered with a sigh and sat on

ere busy in TALKING" Ahaan said emphasi


e me maintaining

me right?" I asked his eyes

he cut me off "but we don't have an

our life because of this marriage thing s

no to my dad can you please say no"

to marry you and I know he won't gonna listen


She asked pouting and

let out a sigh and

r sister in law as mam? She is your bhabhi

't be asking any personal question" he said rude


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