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Chapter 2 Mr Bossman

Word Count: 5624    |    Released on: 18/07/2021


nzo is the masculine

ine form, bambino is m


a -


n up by now, it's be

roform dose was

acking me with that

stronza actually cau

e felt like she had done four continuous backflips and then rode one of those spinny thingies the as

low voice said much too loudly

nmower when I find one." Speaking had been a bad idea. All the liquid in her mouth had dried up

was too groggy to open her eyes and her memory was a bit f

as pressed to her mouth. The glass was tipped and a cool liquid slipped passed her parched lips. She greedily swallowed the water until not

down, the figure spoke softly to her in a very relaxing, slightly

ave the worst fucking hangover ever. By the way, what's the spinny t

ly decided to dub him Chucky, at least until she knew his real name.

inny training thingy' you're talking about, but the hang

alloused hands supported her until she was able to sit up relatively straight. She clutched he

Geez, the rest of you just going to s

into outright laughter. It was a ni

. She opened them too quickly and was blinded by the light, so the second time

ere were two other couches that were double-seaters. The couches surrounded a large, dark, almost black, rectangular coffee table that was littered with newspapers, some books and a few remotes. In the spaces between each couch

found herself gawking. Also, this one actually had a homey feel, like a family actually lived here. U

ith strawberry blonde hair asked with a kind smile. From

ded, "Yeah, it's pretty s

d when Ty asked, "Where exactly a

That was when Ty noticed the others in the room; though they probably should have been the first things she should

ing down at her with various expressions though t

in the morning. Not that it looked bad, some guys cannot pull of a bit of whiskers, but Chucky sure as hell could. He even had a black stud piercing in his right ear. If he were single, Ty wouldn't be surprised if

or something and didn't bother combing it. There were also a few black smudges around his cheeks and ears like he had been working on some sort of mechanics previously. His skin was a nice Mediterranean type bronze tan that did not look like it came from a can or human microwave. He also had an ear piercing, a simple black stud on

black t-shirt that hugged him in all the right places that would leave the girls and certain guys at Ty's, or really anyone's, school salivating. He had the whole 'tall, dark and handsome' thing floating about to kick the notch up too. Clearly the stereotypical bad boy. He even had more piercings than his brother and Chucky. Along with the same black stu

Ty. Even this burly man had a black stud in his right ear. He was dressed similarly to the dark haired bad boy but had a looser dark red shirt on and looked to be more around Chucky

second guy who had spoken. He removed the cold pack from his head and tossed it to t

ottom lip, trying to remember. Any normal person would have been questioning relentlessly, been paranoid and suspi

icked ass," she smirked but then frowned again as

today and I was supposed to 'welcome' them or some shit." Ty looked for a clock but coul

k-haired boy tapped his foot impatiently and put an arm next to Ty's head against the back of the sofa, effectively caging her in. He caug

at the amber-eyed boy she immediately dubbed Jackass. She growled slightl

ng his surprise at her snarky remark despite the situation. She should have been intimidated into submission

their warring gazes. Before anything detonated, Chucky put a hand on Jackass' shoulder and gave him a warning look. Jackass remained in his po

ing face. "Sorry, he is not very patient and has a bit of a temper problem. N

ugh and wracked her brain. After splitting ways with her friends, her mind came up with

received the new injuries and looked further down to her legs to see that her knee guards were also missing and she had similar cuts that she definitely did not remember g

cut off. Ty's eyes widened as her mind replayed the events from the Blue versu

y got four feet from the couch before the pissed off blue-eyed man grabbed

ng man's grip. He tugged sharply on her arms and she let out a yelp a

scolded as a worried look flashe

. Unable to resist, she snorted through the receding pain, "Mario? You have a little brothe

ged face and burning eyes that glared holes into her head. He had more than thirty different scena

ed needlessly. The comment earned him a glare fro

panned just as Ty jeered mono

she's in right now? Her life is in our hands and Mario looks like he wants to send her to death and

ssion. If Ty paid more attention to detail, she would

other lying or trying to run, Mario's

d hostage and she had just met him, she kept her mouth shut firmly. Even though she should ha

good either," he stated, sligh

t are a shit ton better. Thanks, but I'll

osed, wooden slide doors diverted his attention. Everyone's gaze focused on the left door that slid open to r

essage in a respectful tone. He briefly nodded to the two brothers b

s if they had never been there in the beginning, and he turned to face Jackass and Luca blankly. "You two lead, Mario walk her and I'll be right behind you. I don't wa

or and down the halls. To keep busy, Ty observed the path they took, looking for

two brothers in front and Lorenzo right behind. Even though Lorenzo seemed to s

as he could easily read the determined glint in the girl's searching eyes that held fear and caution. He saw her mind trying to work out a plan of some sort, no doubt one to escape, and he almost pitied her for escape from them was clo

llways. Ty momentarily questioned the income of murderers as these seemed quite well off seeing as they had the huge mansion filled with tasteful décor.

nd and then one more knock. He waited until he heard a muted call from inside be

rnished study with dark maroon walls and dark wooden furniture giving it a regal setting. There was a large office desk clu

in a black, swivel-type leather office chair. Since he was sitting and behind the desk, the bot

ne in the mansion seemed to sport on his right ear. The man must have been Luca and Jackass' father because they looked so much like him, but with differences

nette locks had been released from her helmet which was being kept with her other safety gear. Even though it was cut in a boyish style, her facial structure was still clearly female as was the rest of her body. Her grey eyes were observing the it

hair in front of the desk. Ty grew tense as she was herded closer to the man on the other side of the des

en she was playing poker or pranking the guys. A smile almost decorated her lips but she remember

e you feeling?

ng a bitter taste in the air, "How am I feeling? Oh, just peachy. Fine and dandy. Couldn't be better! I mean, I just woke up from being drugged

m and after a slight delayed reaction Mari

just before Ty responded

pers. Also, bald dragon or whatever the hell you called me is not e

up. Luca covered a snicker with his hand that was ignored while Jackass only re

d extremely subtle facial changes. He only showed a significant change when the door was knocked upon again. He called out to let them in with slight annoyance tingeing his tone. He did not

with a slight apologetic smile towards the man. Looking at

a single black stud in his right ear. What is with that piercing? Some sort of murderer initiation reward

surprised her since she didn't expect the family of murders to be able to smile so pleasantly. Then again, why was a f

the man asked impassively, li

, "Scusa Papà, took a little longer than expected

d his attention to Ty who

d all three have the same amber eyes, they also had similar builds and a certain edge t

rown slightly. Luca furrowed his eyebrows and whispered something back mak

attention and she immediately returned h

and you have met my sons Carlos, Dante and Luca. You hav

ything to use to get away. Besides, she didn't really care who her captors were. Even if she did escape, she highly d

expectantly a

murmured loud enough for Ty to hear, "When someone i

it's also polite to not kidnap people an

raised a hand gesture to Mario. Mario nodded and walked to a tall cupboard, opening it and taking out a clothed object before closing

xpressions of everyone else in the room. The sudden action prompted Dante

Dante and Luca release her, but th

topped squirming. She didn't want to

hough his temper was quickly thinning. He had no idea why or how the girl could so easily ma

ck and we'll see, fu

ely curious. He was honestly expecting her to be screaming bloody murder and empty threats until she broke down in tears. But there she w

spond, "Would it make a difference? Would you just let me leav

she smiled mirthles

uctee, accidental or not, answered back rudely without pleading for their life, at least not for him. He heard from his men that she definitely put up a fight, even when they had

just want to talk to you and then you can get you

r seat though she didn't protest much for the sake of her board. She

h your name?" When she was brought back, they searched her and found that she had not carried any

person?" Ty asked back. She thought for a seco

end the body if I felt compassionate enough." He didn't have to answer her questions and could easily force answers from her, but there was just something about the reckles

ed to return the body it'd be sending the evidence back and you'd be tracked down, right?" Ty responded, relying on her extensive knowledge gained from TV and video games and her ability to think on her feet

ell practiced at keeping his emotions concealed, but this girl was easily making him

l that was. First bald dragon and now Bambi

a small grin slip, Carlos' a bit wider than Lorenzo's. Even Mario's

child? Externally he barely smiled saying, "Bambina means child or little girl in Italian, my home language. You'll h

n his interrogation was taking. "Why?" she slowly, hesitantl

e of them knew what their father was planning now, but listened to him anyway. Roberto never did anything without reason before so he m

Rizzo. He's 16 years old, plays around with mechanics and is always messing with the firearms fo

He is what you would call a bookworm and spends his free time in the library or his room with a stack of bo

nions and kin as he continued, "And this is Dante Rizzo, my 17 year old. He is one of my best fighters and has excellent aim. Extremely athletic and i

ost. "Okay, but why am I supposed to care?

it did not feel comforting for Ty or the boys. "I'd think yo

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