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Chapter 5 Are you bipolar

Word Count: 6031    |    Released on: 18/07/2021

order up!

umbled to the counter to retrieve the two entrées.

eep only to wake up close to noon to get lectured on her "improper and barbarous behaviour" by her parents. They hadn't even questioned why she had not returned the night before nor did they ask when she actually had returned or

chefs at Blue Moon, a very classy, reservations only restaurant. Travis Garrison owned it, a young man of only

mobile corporations. Travis had dreamed to build Blue Moon into a huge, highly exclusive restaurant and was reluctant to follow his parents' wishes for him to attend law school or join the family business. He made a deal with his family saying that if he

nds though their relationship was more like that of brother and sister. He had played with her and her friends on many occasions and even babysat them quite a few times. Even after Ty's parents completely cut

e youngest employee of the restaurant by five yea

ot lectured again this morning so I'm a bit tired," Ty answ

going back, she added warmly, "Don't over work yourself, honey. If you need a

cheerful blond strolled to Ty's side, his blue

ing how I had you wrapped around my pinky seeing as I managed to convince you to hire me witho

ffection before she could move out of his

"I am anything but a snob. If I were, I wouldn't ha

as stuffy and uncomfortable. She'd never quit though since he was one of the only people that would hire her and not require her parents to know. If any other emplo

ady clocked out and returned to her husband, as did the many other employees, each bidding Ty farewell and all telling her to get more sleep. She had been quite languid that night and they had all ta

ed up and drove Ty back to her apartment. He did so and when she got out of his car after bidding him goodnigh

I kind of stalled coming home last night. I lost track of time and my parents were pissed a

doorman with a smile even though her parents had told her countless times "not to be friendly with the hel

happy, perfect family image. Maintaining her stealth, she crept to her room on the second floor. The apartment was dark save for the small bit of light coming from her dad's office. Her moth

less and a waste of everyone's time, not to mention they were some of the most persistent annoyances she had ever known, she told them what had occurred when she left the skate park during lunch. They had believed her and showed their concern through their joking and bantering; acting as if nothing was wrong and their best friend had not just

assroom quickly cleared out. The trio soon met up with Henry, Grant and Fred by the

could easily buy another brand new one seeing as she certainly wasn't pressed for money. To Ty though, it was irreplaceable. It was a special present from her friends who had all c

over Ty's shoulder, squishing her

oard. Besides, it came to use to the very end, buying you time to escape. Skull

they headed towards the main gates of Brick Road High in a cheering clump. Wit

ble naming skills, Ty," J

ully and stuck her tongue

ts just had to make his name alliterate and Ty had to have an ex

hey were clustered at the entrance, blocking the exit for those who wanted to leave the hellhole known as

s to see what had attracted their attention. Ty saw a brief flash of black

cupped his free hand to his mouth and hollered, "Oi! Go gawk

this particular group was the easiest with the best of reactions

prohibited! Have some class.

, but not everyone is desperate enough to

your future caree

juvenile and their taunts were rather horrible, their easily amused minds were satisfied with the results. The ga

of the school grounds. When they finally reached the line between Brick Road High and Brick Road, the road the schoo

simultaneously when they were

" Dante smirked, pushing away a rather leggy f

eyed the strangers warily, each tightening their hold on Ty in assurance. Grant, Henry and Fred also realized that t

ent of some sort judging from the dented metal and scratched paint jobs. Three of the newcomers were of around the same age as Ty and her friends wh

t when they had found her and decided to pay her a little visit after her school ended, but he certainly wasn't expecting her to look so fearful and weak, surrounded by fiv

es that he couldn't have cared less about. "That's quite a few bandages y

ing his usually cheerful face. "I don't know who you are, but if you're who

Drew a threat in the least. He drifted his gaze

again, dropping his board to grab Dante by the cuff of his shirt and making t

aggressive action, preparing to harm the high sch

t'll you do if I do

and throw all his strength into a punch. Before his fist could collide with Dante's face, Da

lf out of Jimmy's protective hold to stop Dre

up and sent a fierce glare towards Dante, taking Drew's plac

stepping out from behind his bike. "You change

to stalking psychos harming my friends. Why the hell can't you just lea

is, Carlos a

from before was long forgotten as she was over the shock of seeing t

"You know, I really don't like that stupid little board of yours. I'm tempted to shred it with a c

ntal image of Skully hitting the dark haired boy befo

spoke solely to Ty, pretending that their rather large audience was non-existe

nywhere with any of you sons of bitches," he stated with a sternnes

arlos thought, already feeling a small sense of pity for the unaware boy and preparing to jump in if Dante went to

rained fury. He locked his blazing ambers with Drew's u

repeated, emphasizing the end, "You deaf? I sa

Mind blank, Dante curled his fingers into a tight fist in a matte

arrowly avoided the punch, only because another f

ut in worry amid a sea of

t, asscunt." She tentatively licked her lips and swallowed a liquid with the taste

s to worry over Ty. When she intercepted the punch, the force had thrown h

she continued to stump and surprise him. Why'd she get in the way? He eyed the boy who worriedly fretted over her and had completely forgotten Dante's existence. The girl's o

friends sent him a sharp glare and stood up protectively in front of her, blocking Carlos' way. His face was slightly flushed with anger, highlighting the scattered freckles that dusted hi

but no one, and he meant absolutely no one could hurt any of his friends without incurring the wrath of the rest of them. They wer

Roberto had insisted on catching the troublesome girl alive. Mario wanted nothing more

he momentary confusion disr

'm fine, don't do anything stupid. I really don't want to take another punch, my jaw already hurts like a bitch, and I'm still

some point during the confrontation, he had pulled out a small silver device with miniature cogs and wires to tinker with. "He

ere prepared to do. To Luca she said, "Do you really think I'll willingly go bac

ed up from his tinkering. "My brother was not

was planning not for the first time. Out of all of us, he

by Luca's perceptive eyes. Just because he preferred contraptions to people, did not m

going to go into a cage filled with starving piranhas,"

you. You will be free to leave when your business has concluded,"

was too great. Besides, look at all the witnesses. Unlike that night, I have practically the whole school

just have to listen to your dad an


with mistrust and at Ty with disbelief. Did that punch mess up her head too?

ed, "And no one will drug me, tie me up, cut me up, sell my body parts, capture m

." He pointedly looked at Mario and Dante, silently raising

hought instead before finally surrendering, "Fine, only because I love that board. But, swear on yo

his right hand out to

utstretched hand,

w?" Drew exclaimed, not believing that she had actual

can go into paranoid-overprotective-brother-acting-father mode and call the FBI, SWAT team

I'm Carlos, and these are my brothers Luca and Dante, our father is Roberto Rizzo. Don't worry, I

heir forgotten audience mumbled the name, others also either recognizing the n

o anything at the skate park without my board and gear. I'll s

were the Rizzos? And she had to admit the boys did intrigue her. Luca was younger than her by a year but he seemed to have the mental age of a thirty-year-old, especially by how he had propositioned her, but had the ch

the sextet, often playing the role of the only force that made sure none of the others

in defeat. She was determined and there was very little anyone could

Henry's dismay. They opened their mouths to argue but thought better of it and decided to save their breath. Ty was c

e waved and marched out of the school grou

called out, go

going?" Dante grabbed her w

direct her glare at him instead. "Let go. I just agreed t

ting his helmet over his head, pointed o

was familiar with. It'll be a cinch to find your mansion place.

ioned skeptically. He bit back a grin at her stumpe

well tried to. "Jesus fucking Christ, would you let go? I

is firm grip with a quiet threat, "Try to escape, and I will not hesitate to repeatedly run you over with my bike fol

emembered from her classes was the event Dante had mentioned. Ty, though not the most studious of people, did find some things in

yed it, though he questioned why it was a rather small amount compared to how much he had expected her to fear him) and narrowed her eye

rrors. Ty swung her leg over and seated herself, turning the key and revving the engine, smiling at the low rumbling purr the vehicle emitted. Even though her father owned an automobile company, Ty had yet

she had escaped two nights before, Dante marched to her side

your nicer older brother mentioned, walking will take way to fucking long and this'll make us marginally even. You stole my board

she leaned forward and shot down the stre

io cursed and chased after her,

though he had just witnessed it. "She actually stole your bike." Carlos

attention, "Even though I don't trust you a

ou piccolo pezzo di merda, none of us, or at least I don't have an interest in your nut-job girlfriend. She's yours so d

t laughing along with Jimmy and the others. "Ty? My girlfriend? As in me and h

ette, seemed to have very turbulent emotions. It was like they

last bike Ty rode was one she stole and crashed into a fire hydrant. She's a speed addict and I'd actually

tle whiny bitch until she was finally freed and

essions that clearly expressed, "What did you just say, 'cause that wasn't English" – he hopped on the last available bike, tossing

ouldn't like that," Luca commented, turning his bike on and wait

ll be off then. We will probably be seeing more of each other, so until then, ciao." He seat

ne, their audience had dispersed, spreading the new gossip t

g towards his house with the other four following. None felt like going to the skate park without Ty and they knew that they

eads. "Sounded Spanish

me learning cusses than what the curriculum required. Somehow he managed to pass Spanish 1 and 2 and was maintainin

't believe he thought we were dating though.

date and suck face once upon a while ago,

nna let that go, are you? It was last year for like two weeks! And it was just to shut everyone up about how we would be perfect for ea

ed on their boards and raced to Drew's house. In the back of their minds though, they



uld all be very familiar with this wo

mio - o

rats (monello

i merda - littl

a? - sh

- hi

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