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My Name is Simon

Chapter 3 MNS Three

Word Count: 1353    |    Released on: 19/07/2021

car to go to his office. It’s been quite a while since he tried to be a normal perso

doc!” everybo

led. “Goo

assistant nurse, follows him straight away. She go

Doc? Were you able

le and a slight bow. He looked at her open

from the uniform.

your uniform. You are a nurse, no

led and stared into his face. In the way the woman looks at him, he was right on suspicion. She had put something in his coffee that is li

the woman believed that he was about to kiss her, she clos

yfriend. To be honest, you don’t

he turned around. He stood at the door. He had already opened the door and let Clara come out.

* and hot-boned when women flirt with him like Clara, but the c

lace when somebody knocked

nutes. The patient has already moved

thank you,”

y stood up and p

t afford a hospital bill for one week’s support for hospital tasks such as cleaning, bringing food to patients, and changing bedding, blankets, and pillowcases.

se it was his. At the hospital, he did not reject all the patients he could care for, even


d him in the emergency room. It shocked him when he met the patient o

Ella,” Seth s

?” Simon was

n into them. The nurses let Se

?” Simon spoke

nto the chest.”

mediate support f


rt rate. Behind the face mask Simon was wearing, he prayed while operating on Ella. They were two doctors who were there, and they knew Ella could not handle the long operation. It will take 2 to six hours. While th

l,” Sim

mon removed his gloves and cut his arm.

you doing?” The o

e,” sai

muttered an

on’s voice was powerful.

the syringe and halved his blood there. Everyone is still monitoring the patient’s vital signs. They overheard the noise of the machin

beat yet. Nothing happened when he started pumping her c


she was dead, but after about five minutes, the machine rang again, signaling that Ella was still alive. As Simon watched Ella sleeping deeply, he turned t

You saved my family on

te to other people. Since then, Simon did not merely give his blood, for fear that the fate that had befallen him would pass on the one he translated. It took him almost 70 years to figure out what happened to him after that day, but he got no

save her,” said Simon. “I’m sorry too, I know you don’t want me to transfuse your childr

ask you. She’s too young to die. And I can’t afford as he

at, Simon laughed as Samuel w

the suspect?”

m. As long as we move the money, we

ght, bring him to

el n

doesn’t want him to be the next one to disappear. Simon was standing by the room window, staring out. He recall

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