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My Name is Simon

Chapter 2 MNS Two

Word Count: 1824    |    Released on: 19/07/2021

out an hour. Making him look like a model for a prestigious magazine. While Seth and E

said Ella with a smile on her f

led. "You

showed him two thumbs

ll in business rather than become a policewoman. Ella didn't seem to be interested in their company, as she

ould be nice to have a vacation again before th

glared at Seth and

n asked. "You can't do that. I'm going to a

at the same station forever, and you know that, don't you

car first thing in the morning. I think that makes y

him. Ella and Seth will inherit the company when Samuel dies, which is why he didn't want Ella to be a policewoman. It's a life-threatening job for her. Of course, he knows, he was in the military whe

car?" Asked Seth with a twinkle in his eyes

th. "When you improve your ed

good, Uncle. Well, it's not the best, bu

re not showing me any respect. Don't forget that our age difference is

d but never


. The scream awakens Simon's blank mind

He asked as he ap

my bag." And th

job, the man ran fast and looked adept at stealing and snatching things. It was a regu

n the man. But as he was walking away, the people were shouting, so he turned his back to the big man again and stabbed him in the stomach. The man smiled at him as if it had repaid him. Simon felt the pain and stabbing of the knife in his stomach. The man als

ead and it fell into the tub full of fish. He looked around dizzy. He felt a liquid

d people as he took his

not speak and just stare. He handed five tho

rry," s

ur asked him.

and turned hi


As he comes closer, both turned towards him and continued talking again. And in a blink of an

." Simon said

s being chased by a police officer. While he was running, he didn't expect to enjoy escaping from a police officer. He

w come it never occurred to me to be a thief? Runni

. He stopped laughing while the

d happened, but she didn't believe him. The woman he helped

r side of the tabl

look at me? I got stabbed because I helped her, and

e eye. "This woman says differen

ag. I did something for you. I even gave it back to you. E

Simon. He stared, but she

mon?" won

an and Simon

olice officer and Simo

n salute

lla. "Oh! What happened to you? You all r

know that I'm alwa

" asked the

. What happene

and then he seized my bag so I

e you sure this guy took your

sure." sai

loodstained forehead. Simon stared at the man and the t

e?" asked Ella

ns because four people approached them. They

ier. You don't know how much

him?" the pol

even fought. Our fish tubs got broken, and they scattered the f

ed at Simon and

o lock me up." said the man ho

e table. The lady that accused Simon


room. He was sitting there watching a film. Simon sat b

cle?" said Seth to Simon.

ent after a thief. He stabbed me, an

g uncle. Too bad I was not there to wit

by the woman whom I helped. She said I t

ger." Uncle, the pol

he burglar was an accomplice of

seem happy?" aske

n to me, I ran as we

m the police?" S

until she caught me

s as Seth l

because the police are chasing you? Are you crazy, uncle? I t

you are truly rude to me. How ab

al people don't want to be chased by a police officer, yet you are s

en able to do that in

by law enforceme

th one more

hurts!" Set

or a reason than for an exe

try to be a thief, uncle? After all, you wa

usly..." s

run for his life

nuisance." Sa

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