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The Saga of Ignis

Chapter 5 Rumors

Word Count: 2069    |    Released on: 24/07/2021


caused me so much anguish as a child! I ran into her yesterday, but I thought since Viribus Academy wa

eah, no way I'm opening that door! I just have to pretend I'm not here right? If she thinks I'm gone she'll just leave won't she? But wait, she could just come back... She has to know this is my room right? I doubt she's looking for someone else and she just ended up here by coincidence... Am I just supposed to pretend I'm n

now you're in there

tch! But hold on, how did she know to be here when I got back? Had she been stalking me? Also, I've been back for almost 15 minutes, and


door, hoping that what the camera had seen was just a glitch, and that maybe my ears had deceived me, but no, standing there at my door is the real thing... Princess Minerva, with her dark red eyes, and light brown hair. I can even see that green headband under her bangs. The look on her face though

erva. Sorry, I was j


knocking so many times! I

?? Me! Avoid

! Before I say anything else, Minerva let's out a giggle! Um, wh

Ignis you'

No I'm not! Com


he way you keep stutteri

o try and be funny! I'm stuttering bec

So can I

adversity! Stand your ground Ignis!

urse M-Minerv

past me and plops down on the couch! She pats the

t seen each other in years! And for us to meet back up again here

ed at what I see... She's looking at me with that same murderous expression she looked at those girls with yesterday! She really wants me to sit next to her...but I really don't want her to blast me across the room...but if I don't she's definitely gonna hit me anyway! Alright I'll just move ov

how did you know thi

oing to answer you until you stop

as funny! Guess she's tired of the joke n

how did you know this

time you just h

I got it all in one go that time! I'l

ow did you know this

into it... Minerva actually looks a little shocked that I basically just

too good! You know I r

hysterically in my face! Yea

didn't answer my

Oh, Mino

e insane if she thought that was a good idea! But now's not the tim

me walk in... But I was in here for almost 15 minutes before

hat embarrassed, girly

ou know, nervous. I wasn't sure

on! She used to do things like this when we were kids too! She'd act all embarrassed and cute to lure me in and then strike! I scoot back just a smidge so as not to lean into any oncoming attacks, but not far enough to piss her off again.

s is my roommate Zareos

completely un


mouth almost on the floor. I can't believe he just did that to me! He couldn't stick around for 3

o I'm just

ntion she's a princess? Zareos didn't seem to car

Um, I'm

e you to someone, I would introduce you a

ry Minerva, I totally

she i

I guess I can't

arm! It hurts SOOO bad. I act

.ha. So...its...abou

so bad, but she doesn't even seem to car

eah! Why don't

, but maybe if I can survive through l

t a split second I start to think that maybe if Minerva didn't have psychotic and abusive tendencies, that she might be girlfriend material... She's definitely pretty, despite

ushed tones. I take a look around and notice people looking at us! Oh

that the crazy g


s her! I heard she was abo

stay?! If I was in char

here's no way Miner

k that guy was th

h he was, I s

onna attack those girls ove

they're like tote

as to be fuming right now, b

in the relationship, right?! I mean

r up the courage to look at Minerva and...

does what they're sa

tions to ignorant people. And they aren't entirely wrong. I did

just wonder if you're worried rumors like that might make

rried about that. After

e honest, I don't have to balls to dispute her h


ed to her... I just really hope this do


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