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KHARL AXIEL (The Daughter of Monsters)

KHARL AXIEL (The Daughter of Monsters)

Author: Ognatty1

Chapter 1 Prologue : The End of the nning

Word Count: 417    |    Released on: 21/07/2021

y naked; the bedsheet rolled down slowly to unveil her clear glittery yellow skin as she walked off the wooden casted bed, towards Marcelo. "Marcelo, why are you whimpering? I thought we t

at does it even say?" "Please, you can't read it now. You can read it when I leave this building and walk into thin air." "Mmm!" "Can you do that for me please? Please." "Okay." Marcelo hurriedly placed his left palm on her hips. "Promise me." Kharl starred into his cold eyes and nod in agreement. "I promise." "Thank you - you will have to stand at the window and watch me until you see me no more; before you can read the letter and the poem attached to it." Marcelo instructed as he stood and wore his lumber jacket. Then, He folded the scrolls and tossed them across the bed.

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