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KHARL AXIEL (The Daughter of Monsters)

Chapter 5 The birth of Kharl Axiel

Word Count: 1253    |    Released on: 21/07/2021

itting and the door

mind. Firstly, he could not believe he saw Kharl Sterg again; secondly, seeing her in this state is something he never thought of;

tried to grab her right hand but Kharl Sterg grabbed his first.

ho is the

e her nakedness. She had sworn that no man born of a woman would e

Kharl Sterg. Hence, he refused to give her away to the great lord general Zandy for marriage. One night, the great lord general Zandy

hing to Batard but no

arl. Just tell me who

r head in di


l Axi

igid. He touched her hand again and his fingers fell into her skin. His eyes stayed still. Tears rolled down Bar

re the door holding hands in prayer. They stood quickly at the sight of Bata


s no longer with us. For

erg big stomach dissolve and something rolled down fro


, that is a

plied fi


sked in

arl Ste

l Ste

ard go in

nces searching for villagers; he saw nobody and heard no voice of humans. He heard nothing but the beats of the goats and floats sheep the quacks of ducks,

rt and spread it wide on the floor. Then he carried the newborn and laid it on the shirt. He sc

wah w


mb and index fingers and pinned it tightly, very close to his n

sound he heard was that of flurry of leaves. He walked to the big wooden door and pushed it open. All the m

great hunte

the Tower of Nutusel announcer was to notify the people of Nutusel

and placed the arrang


is t

rrying a


ge carrying

e court m

re a well-embellished tunic with goldwork thread, a surcoat

a number, three is a discussion. We have a third person


m. He continued afte

where are you coming from? Why do you

lord general, tha

e member of the court. He wore a red linen t

red among

ma. I have directed my questions to Sporge - the g

ence in the court as t

e kindest of his kinds. May your Kabril make your


onded. Then Sp

t is not the kind of monster you all think




ions came fro

woods and the World beyond gave her to me as a bles



n onto Nutusel in a time of distress. I came face to face with one of the creatures, it looked scary but pretend not to be afraid because I am kibba the loyal servant of Kabril. This dream has begun to make a

the god of Nutusel. Kibba communicated with Kabril thr

porge as he spoke. He unwrapped the monster, carr


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