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The Vampire's Omega

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1419    |    Released on: 22/07/2021

had gone to farm had clashed with some rogues werewolves, who had killed every vampir

curve of his face, which remains expressionless, his jaw sharp, sharp like a knife, as if you could slice an onion with it. His lips, full, red and makes every woman in the vamp

s realm being informed of these happen

he aura surrounding him always put others in the edge, the primus can detach one

d, but it seems the rogues knew they would be there, and they had blown some substance into the air, that must hav

they had upgraded to not just stealing their crops, but also killing the vampires. The elders

rm the cities that their king, had demanded to see them, when the werewolv

in the room bowed down to him,

to me, i need a

act that he needed blood, and her needed it from the elder's daughter. He left the room, he

thinking about the meeting that took place the previous minutes. He believed those were not just rogues, they were sent to by an unknown pack, who had disguised their scents, to cover up their track. He could trace where they came from, but, he had to give them sometime, to ma

lder. He did not know why, but he loves taking her blood, and she was always wiling, to supply him with her blood. The

led me K

he was trying to sound muggy, but to his own hearing, her voice

re to please each other, they were two different people with similar benefits. She turned around facing her back towards him, as she removed her hills, her mini gown


room, stopping the young

w you were

ands on around her waist tightened, he was going to drink the last sip of her blood, and just as quickly he has sank into her neck, he retraced his teeth out from her neck, leaving her body, as she fell on the cushion, beside him, she had passed out in the process of collecting blood from her, and he wondered if she was Still alive, the daughter of the elder was sure a whore, and he will not stop sucking h


top on his tracks, his mother could nor be

know that i

te, she was a whore, who had fucked ma

and now, made her exhausted, after feedin

ade, her canines almost pr

lood and sex and I give her power, we

hrak still lingered on his old worn shirt, walking to the waste bin, he threw the shirt

command me to marry who I do not want to marry. I have a mate, out there, just as father was your

r with punch beside the wall where she stood. She gave a slight whimper, before exiting the

d almost punched his mother with rag


a guard came into the ro

esence, if she is dead, then cal

the guard, who shive


ng Ashrak, as he exite

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1 Chapter 1 One2 Chapter 2 Two3 Chapter 3 Three4 Chapter 4 Four5 Chapter 5 Five6 Chapter 6 Six7 Chapter 7 Seven8 Chapter 8 Eight9 Chapter 9 Nine10 Chapter 10 Ten11 Chapter 11 Eleven12 Chapter 12 Twelve13 Chapter 13 Thirteen (please note, these chapter contains mature contents)14 Chapter 14 Fourteen (pleasw note, these chapter contains mature contents15 Chapter 15 Fifteen16 Chapter 16 Sixteen17 Chapter 17 Seventeen18 Chapter 18 Eighteen19 Chapter 19 Nineteen20 Chapter 20 Twenty21 Chapter 21 Twenty one22 Chapter 22 Twenty two23 Chapter 23 Twenty three24 Chapter 24 Twenty four25 Chapter 25 Twenty five26 Chapter 26 Twenty Six27 Chapter 27 Twenty seven28 Chapter 28 Twenty eight29 Chapter 29 Twenty nine30 Chapter 30 Thirty31 Chapter 31 Thirty one32 Chapter 32 Thirty two33 Chapter 33 Thirty three34 Chapter 34 Thirty four35 Chapter 35 Thirty five36 Chapter 36 Thirty Six37 Chapter 37 Thirty Seven38 Chapter 38 Thirty eight39 Chapter 39 Thirty nine40 Chapter 40 Forty41 Chapter 41 Forty one42 Chapter 42 Forty two43 Chapter 43 Forty three44 Chapter 44 Forty four45 Chapter 45 Forty five46 Chapter 46 Forty six47 Chapter 47 Forty seven48 Chapter 48 Forty eight49 Chapter 49 Forty nine50 Chapter 50 Fifty (contains matured scene)51 Chapter 51 Fifty one52 Chapter 52 Fifty two (contains matured scene)53 Chapter 53 Fifty three54 Chapter 54 Fifty four55 Chapter 55 Fifty five56 Chapter 56 Fifty six57 Chapter 57 Fifty seven58 Chapter 58 Fifty eight59 Chapter 59 Fifty nine60 Chapter 60 Sixty61 Chapter 61 Sixty one62 Chapter 62 Sixty two63 Chapter 63 Sixty three64 Chapter 64 Sixty four65 Chapter 65 Sixty five66 Chapter 66 Sixty six67 Chapter 67 Sixty seven68 Chapter 68 Sixty eight 69 Chapter 69 Sixty nine70 Chapter 70 Seventy71 Chapter 71 Seventy one72 Chapter 72 Seventy two73 Chapter 73 Seventy three74 Chapter 74 Seventy four75 Chapter 75 Seventy five76 Chapter 76 Seventy six77 Chapter 77 Seventy seven78 Chapter 78 Seventy eight79 Chapter 79 Seventy nine80 Chapter 80 Eighty81 Chapter 81 Eighty one82 Chapter 82 Eighty two83 Chapter 83 Eighty three84 Chapter 84 Eighty four85 Chapter 85 Eighty five86 Chapter 86 Eighty six87 Chapter 87 Epilogue