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Out of the Primitive


Word Count: 2271    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

door. The sharp crackle of a blueprint under the thrumming fingers of Griffith caused him to s

ded Griffith.

h wh

s the son of a duke. Same time, there's something in the wind. Cough it up

rshly. "It's worse than


ckered in a soundless w

one and-Why, you never

en I showed her through that Rand mi

to what lie had heard from Miss Leslie's father.

ck layer of tropical tan. He sought to beat around the bush. "Well, I proved myself fit to survive in that environment, tough as it was-sort of ca

er dad," sugge


e brains

ough. They're no more ali

ic, eh?" cack

n the world for her. She's the truest, grittiest girl alive. She

Griffith. "She told

cheeks. His pale eyes shone very blue and soft. "It was when we heard the sire

at you ta

wait. Wanted to be married as

lacked breath eve

gh the cleft to the shore, where the boat was pulling in. Well, there was Jimmy in the stern

the Crusoe business

waded out with-Miss Leslie, and put her into the boat. Told him to hurr

our he

en living so close to that sort of thing that she had lost her perspective. Wasn't fair to her to l

ay you passed

t on in a monotone: "I waited till Jimmy came back to fetch me. Course I had to explain the situation. Asked him to pull out w

fith. "You did that, to escape marryin

poor, Grif. She's a lady, through and throu

," commented Griffit

hat seemed to be crushin

had already landed, and swearing that I was going to steer clear of her until after she got back to her father. But I kept aboard, in the forecastle, as Jimmy had

leaving you to shif

efore; greatly taken with her. There on the steamer was the very chance he had been after. But he played fair; didn't try to win her. Told me all about it, right at the first, and we came to an agreement. We were both to steer clear

have seen her sin

her aunt. They had stopped over when they landed,

k glum. Guess you got wha

ve a lot to know whether-" He paused, gripping his chair convulsively. "Just the same, I haven't quit. The agr

sort you say, and went as far as you say

coast I was the real thing-and the only one, at that. Here

now?-one of the best engineers in the country; one that's going to make the top

u beat, hands down. Good Lord, to think that she, of all the little women-!

me-when I get to thinking of it. She wen

but can't a woman make a heap of di

thing: 'Tell Tom not to give up the fight. Tell him,' sh

said that?" He bent over and

all with unseeing eyes. A full minute passed. Keeping his face still av

remarked in a matter-of-fact tone. "Too much runni

He paused and then s

lood-shot but resolute,

o-morrow. Big order on

ent to m


ive he wasn't over my saving his daughter. Curse the

f the handle. You know there a

ith. First place, ther

e around all right. Just ask for

o have a hundred per cent. I ne

He's her father. You can'

ake. "That's where he's got me. Lord! if only he and she w

to hold a grudge. It's true H. V. did us dirt on the survey pay.

the Michamac Bridge, eh?" dema

idn't I tell you he turned the br

'd be foun

? What do

this, if you can. I was fool enough not to send my plans for the bridge competition to him by registered mail; I was fool enough to hand them in to his secretary without asking a receipt. After the contest, I called for m

ous frown. "See here, Tom-this tropical roughing-it must be might

right, take it that way, if you want to. He le

u don't mean

te note asking for my plans. He sent out word by his private-d

ke my advice. Think it all you want, if that does you any good; but keep your head closed-kee

rif. I'd like to see him do it. I can't forget he's her father. If only I could be sure he h

y-grubber-as sharp as some others. But he would

. But it's been growing on me. I handed them

cake! He wasn't H. V.'s secretary except in name. Wine, women, sports, and gambling-nothing else under his hat. Always h

up to him!" g

remember a matter of busine

but it was the chance of a lifetime for me. Why, if only I'd known in time that they were lost, I'

s in your head, oh, no!" rallied Griffith.

lake. His eyes shone bright with the joy of work,

"I don't take any jobs from H. V. Leslie-not unti

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