Out of the Primitive
th International Industrial Company Building. At one minute to ten he was facing the
ir? Mr. Leslie is
ll this morning,"
n, sir,
ting-room, in company with a dozen or more visitors. He s
with a brusqueness due perhaps to hi
cker of a smile: "I'm a civil
ncerns you,"
the fellow had been in training for years. He replied promptly, though in a more civil
il," put in Blake. "Your boss
of course-You
. He was gone perhaps a quarter of a minute. When h
d. "Mr. Leslie can spa
k and tell Mr. H. V. Leslie I'm much obliged for his favoring me with an appointmen
e doorkeeper. "I can't ta
erately drawing a cigar from his v
ake with respectful curiosity as he swung the door wide o
looking for the third guardian of the sanctum,-the great man's private secretary. But the room was empty. Without pa
desk, hurriedly mumbling into th
t sideways, and went
drew out a silver matchsafe. As he took out a match, Mr. Leslie touched a spring that sto
er. Any clerk can typewrite. No mislaid stenographer
our waiting-room clock," said Blak
nt you score. Now, what do y
e care, blew it out, and flipped it into the was
ss seeking to pierce with his narrowed glance Blake's hard, open gaze. The failure of his attempt perhaps ir
ped. "You think, because you were alone with m
ook in his eyes before which Mr
down! I-I didn't mean
lowly sat down again. He said not
wed irascibility. "H'm! So you're one o
want to through it. Only don't try the other again. You're her father, and that gives you a big
ean to th
shed men
ook th
e part of a
the man who happened to sa
r out of this palave
solely owing to the obligations under whic
e ironically. "Well, let me tell you, I'm some busy myself these days. Just now I'm out collecting o
im on me. I conceded th
g engineer in the city. And he held
one of t
tor. He has your pay-c
rest? It's two
interest on s
st, his jaw out-thrust. "If I had a million, I woul
Leslie. "You'll soon find out I can't be driven, young man. On
en s
obligations. I'd rather it ha
you!" rejo
of flinty sparks from M
more conciliatory, y
ake you f
ake me in for one,
erests. Unfortunately you've put me in yo
er appointed, and reo
ways you dodge obli
red to purple. He thrust a quivering finger against a pu
emarked in a cheerful tone. "I do
the room, but turned back on the instant
Leslie, and as the man
ait! Don'
normal color and his composure. He put his finger-tips together, and jerked out in his usual incisive
uldn't settle with me for cash, not ev
tudied the young man's resolute face
d?" rejoined Blake. "I'm not as
money reward-I see. Yo
ke a name in y
n engineer t
ange to give you
ake dryly. "Wait till
ou going to
my bus
h accustomed to read men at a glance, he was
ways win at po
ake. "Cut it out, thoug
rned than a dollar made
e of these soc
with that crazy outfit is they want to set you to working for the people, instead of working the people. No; I've steered clear of them. 'Fraid I might get infected with altruism. L
or you're playing a deep game. It occurs to me you may
, she said," a
more than she seems
ut w
k h
e me that she suspected you had the effrontery to-aspire
Blake with cal
stung. "It's true, then! Yo
would reach you,
w she's an heiress! Think you have the whip-handle-bleed me or force her to marry
hite to the lips. For the second time during the interview Mr. Leslie cr
eyes, and the color returned to hi
huskily. "God! ... B
ie's bitter prejudice. He jerked out reluctantly: "I'm not s
o apologize,"
about a twenty-five-th
anded Blake
ind that can learn to run a railroad system,-I'll push you up the line to a hundred
you thin
hance the rest,-though I had your record looked up as soon as your
rowning. "I've stood
u will understand without argument why my offer is based on the condition that you
than married to you. Is that plain enough? You
eplied steadily: "I haven't touched a drop of drin
joined Mr. Leslie. "You've been kn
Blake. "It's different, though, now,
ied Mr. Les
plied Blake with
n. I owe you that much. But I won't risk my daughter's happiness-supposing you had so much as a shadow of a chance of winning her. No! You saved her
cked off the ash. "That for yo
to himself: "Might have known i
is your god, you needn't think it's everybody else's. You-m
The thought of such a th
r me. If I knew I didn't have one chance in a
u, to begin with, a twenty-five-thousand-dollar pos
k you can bribe me, do you? Well, you can just take your
ll do!" gasped Mr. Leslie,
nd I'm not one of the lickspittles that are always baa-ing around the Golden Calf. You've had your say. Now I'll have mine. To begin w
s my consulti
He gave me the job-not you. After what you've said to me here, I wouldn't take a hundr
ou've looked up my record, have you? How about your own? How about the Michamac Bridge? Griffith says the Coville Comp
back before the
in a quavering voice. "Calm yourself! T
I handed them in myself to yo
him? You say you handed in a set of
former secr
t that time my secr
s thumb towards the empty anteroom. "I
our receipt when you a
t a re
't take a
in the air over the way I had worked out that central span, and didn't think of anything but the committ
oof?" demanded Mr. Leslie with a shrewdn
em went down in the steamer. The fact I wrote Griffith about them before the contest wo
nows about
hich of course was part of my plan to blackmail you," gibed Blake. He rose, with a look that was almost good-humored
ched his visitor cross towards the door. The engineer walked firmly and res
slie bent forward and called in an irr
aluable," rejoined Blake, a
to touch a button with an incisive thrust of his finger. To the clerk who came hastenin