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Ethan Creed Ant The Twelve Zodiac Guardian

Chapter 3 New student

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 22/07/2021

tracks when he saw th

end of their classroom

ate," Dexter whispere

we can start our class." Prof. V said he was standing b

feel the stare coming from behind him. He had

ce again felt a strange heat tha

g because the pain

t and he could bear it, now h

had fallen into his seat and

his aid and took him to t

sted, a growl could be heard coming from h

because the Black Zodiac is coming

touched his chest. He was still sh

y you will finally receive your full power." E

in that covered between them, a

r 12 guardians," she said. Sh

d, he asked. He quickly put

coming soon, if you want to survive you have to fin

, that looks promising. But please don't include me in

seriously before

or. She knew Ethan would come to her for the

eld where the tryout for the

happened, you just lost consciousness?" Dexter ask

ow," Ethan answered as he took off his

pped him from wearing his attire whe

and looked at what Dexter

's why he feels like som

didn't you tell me you were going to ge

tattoo for you? It's like

othes and walked over to mos

it?" Dexter asked afterward a

inic and she says weird things. She also kno

't know how you feel!" Dexter said. Their conversat

tain, demonstrate how to get the ball into the net at such a distance." the coac

k right." Dylan's reminder before getting serious. He took a

the ball entered the

he net at this distance I will enter in the next game." the coac

despair. The participants started kicking the ball, but almost

is good, maybe in a few years of practice you

please walk forward."

ball hard!" Ethan's enc

riend's every move and prayed tha

the soccer team?" Dylan asked, t

d seriously prepared h

itnesses laughed when the ball crossed almost not ha

and sadly walked back

than sighed when he saw th

believe it because the

ted and quickly ran and

all got to the net. Like I said before, you have a chance

Creed," the coach

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