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Peck's Bad Boy with the Cowboys

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1954    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

of a Live Dinosaurus-The Expedition is Captured b

I never would see him alive again. But the cowboys said they would bring his remains back all right. When they rode away to capture the steer and release pa, I stopped crying and laid down under the chuck wagon with the dogs, to t

: "Hennery, did you notice how I roped the black steer?" and I said: "Yes, pa, I saw the whole business

faithful to the end, I would have tied the steer in record time, but man proposes and the rest you have to leave to luck. I was out of luck,

and cowboy combined. So pa hired about a dozen of the cowboys to go with our show, and then we went into camp for the night, and the cowboys told of a place about 20 miles away, where some scientists had a camp, where they were excava

t would weigh as much as a dozen of our largest elephants, with a neck as long as 15 giraffes, and then they showed us bones of these animals that they dug out and put together, and the completed mess of

ese animals only existed ages and ages ago, when the country was covered with water and was a part of the ocean, and that the animals lived on the high place

nd the bunch got into a drove of dinosauruses, and the first thing he knew a big dinosaurus reached out his neck and picked up a steer, raised it in the air about 80 feet, as easy as a derrick would pick up a dog house, and the dinosaurus swallowed the steer whole, and the other dinosauruses each swallowed a steer. The cowboy said before he knew it his whole bunch of steers was swallow

saurus Reached Out His Ne

d of it, but there was not money enough to hire them to go there, 'cause they had heard that a man's life was not safe a minute.

r the show. He whispered to me in the night and said: "Hennery, I am on the trail of the dinosaurus, and while I am not prepared to capture one alive, at this t

say the buffalo is extinct, but you can find 'em, if you have got the money. Lots of thing are extinct, till some brave explorer penetrates the fastnesses and finds them. The mastodon is extinct, according to the scientists, bu

est and excited as Peary planning a north pole expedition, and as busy as a boy killing snakes. After the cowboys and the scientists had tried to get Pa to make his will before he went, and got the addresses where Pa wanted

big as a house, and come back and drive the animals in. And when we got them with the show people we would run trains hundreds of miles to see the rarest animals any show ever exhibited to a discriminating public, and we could charge five dollars

id that was the place, and he began to shiver like he had the ague. He said he wouldn't go any farther without another hundred dollars, and Pa asked the other cowboys if th

te, but the valley was as still as death, and Pa said to Bill: "Why don't you bring on your dinosauruses," and Bill said he

den four or five gun shots were heard, and four of our horses dropped dead in their tracks, and about a dozen men come out of the

Were Captured by

and said he was an old showman who had come to the valley looking for the supposed-to-be-extinct dinosaurus, to capture one for the show, and the leader of the gang said he was the only dinosaurus there was, but he hadn't been captured. Then t

when Pa found he was in the hands of bandits, and that the dinosaurus mine was salted, and he had be

us are skun. How are we going to get

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