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Peck's Bad Boy with the Cowboys

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 2113    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

he Privilege of Killing a Buffalo, but Doesn't Accompl

show for next year. Next week, if Pa lives, we shall be back under the tent, to see the show close up the se

nows it all, and he wants to pose as the one to give information, and so when he is taught anything new it jars him. Any man with horse sense would know that it takes years to learn how to rope steers, and keep from being tipped off th

e when they run at large on the plains. When we got to the ranch at evening, Pa put in the whole time until it was time to go to bed telling the ranchman and his hired man what great things he had done killing wild animals, and what dangerous places he had been in, and what bold things he had done. He said, while the object of his visit to the ranch was to

s in his sleep, I could hear the ranchman and his helpers planning pa's humiliation, and when I tried to tell Pa in the morning that th

get in a blind, like the German emperor, and have the game driven to him. They gave Pa two big revolvers, loaded with blank cartridges, I know, because I heard them whisper about it the night before, and they gave h

hey sent Pa to wait for buffalo was where they salted the animals once a week, and started to tell pa,

for an emergency. The ranchman told pa that he had twelve shots in the revolvers, and he better begin firing when the big bull came over the ridge, on the trail, at the head of the herd, and as the animal advanced, as

ame he could run some, but the ranchman said if he should run that the whole herd would be a

d wanted to be scratched, like a big dog, and the calves and cows came up and licked our hands. It was hard work to drive them towards pa's blind, 'cause they wanted to be petted, but the ranchman said as so

e hams, and finally the head of the old bull appeared above the ridge on the regular cattle trail, and not

20 was on the ridge, and the shots came thick, and the herd started on a trot for the shed where Pa was, to get

ed him and licked up the salt, and paid no more attention to him than they would to a log until they had licked up all the salt. Then the bull began to lick pa's hands and face, and Pa yelled for help, but we got behind the rid

on his knees, but a couple of pet buffalo calves, that one of the rancher's boys

amiliar, and then the herd all left Pa and went back over the ridge, and Pa was alone with his empty revolvers and the peck mea

the salt on their tongues made it smart, and his coat sleeves and trousers legs had been chewed off by the buffaloes, and he

aloes Licked Pa's Bald


the ranchman. "What you want is a bath.

to that bull's carcass when he was charging on me, and how he carried them away is more than I know. Get me some dogs and a Winchester rifl

and didn't kill you?" said the ranchman, winking at

h, but I kept my nerve. I shot the bull full of lead, and he tottered along towards me, bound to have revenge, but just as he was going to gore me with his wicked horns I caught hold of the long hair on his head and yelled 'Get out of here, condemn you,' and I looked him in the one eye, like this," and Pa certainly did look fierce, "and he threw up his head, with me hanging to his h

before that could lie some, but you have got Annanias beaten a block. Now we will go to the

fed them hay, and we went out and played with the buffaloes, and Pa found his bull hadn't a scrat

had been shooting blank cartridges, and the only thing he regretted was that Pa would lie so before strangers. Then pa bought the herd

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