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Chapter 1 (Welcome to Vixen High)

Word Count: 1712    |    Released on: 27/07/2021


lution Of



re the HAZ

an because she is in-l

at me, I almost fainted,

are insecure that’s why

-out with Harley

, so I kiss my bff till now we’re no lon

r to notice me, too bad she wasn’t even pregnant in the first pla

but when he turns her down she made my

me, but Harley sma

with tons of teache

a is in-love wit

girls are the meanest in t


g through my lungs as I walk in my new school with elegancy, heading straight

ging my feet like it wasn’t mine, slowly I got to the miss’s front then close my eyes and wave gently at her and the wh

rincipal was talking about?”

er, before picking up a chalk then walks

oduce yourself to the whole class!” She

te *I’m Cheryl, Cheryl Blossom

u sure you’re

ed and wr

me time before saying “I

.” she continue her spe

seat, with everyone looking at me supe

of lens, and teeth braces at the age of 16 or 17 it super nerdy, I bet he got a lot of predators or bullies around here.

of them as I just took my

ero enemies, with zero lovers, and zero life there. When we moved here three days ago I promised myself to zone out of my in

the worst from my family, just know my mom is dead, she died of lung cancer, she left me and dad with Kai my


uld stop me and start socializing. “Oh Cher! U gotta chicken up or at least Hen up“ I said to myself.

id full of disdain, ewww he

me!” I replied with a small ridiculous small, then pass through his middle and friends af

f for not running away, I guess I had

ost my school map; I try looking for it but found nothing ‘great. I was scheming and picturing the ma

eteria,” he said w

a map...I got it right here,”

“Oh and I’m Cole, Cole lensherr.” he added, stretching his palm at me. I took it


make me laugh more than three times; something I rarely do. We order our lunch telling stuffs about each other

them so I turned my head and try talking to Cole who shunned me, and surprisingly everywhere in the cafeteria is quiet as if the Queen of England de

in me and suddenly feel l

I suppose we’re all here now except for some people, but 80% students are here so I believe this is the right time to introduce

yl Blossom, a fresh newly transferred student, do not background check me because th

e fuck do you think you’re?”

l, I just said i

know the rules,” one

Rule one, Do not talk wherever I am-“ I cut her off saying “I’m kinda hungry can we deal with the rules la

HS.“ I laughed at that one, earning a glare from the five of them. “Lastly, I will always be your queen bitch, so stop acting all slutty

couldn’t say a word, and all eyes are still on me for like I don’t know to these mean girls, I

g over to theirs, getting there I slamme

sit on. “Rule number one, never in your life try to intimidate me, rule number two, do not give me rules. And lastly, again never try to intimidate me unless you want venom, spilling all over your

s to my uniform and touch myself up a bit, until I keep hearing this strang

to see a whole bucket of water descending on me. My whole body was now all sti

ttle bitch


d by Mea

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1 Chapter 1 (Welcome to Vixen High)2 Chapter 2 (Don't mess with her)3 Chapter 3 (Other side)4 Chapter 4 (So so weird)5 Chapter 5 (The deal)6 Chapter 6 (Payback time)7 Chapter 7 (I want you)8 Chapter 8 (Darkness)9 Chapter 9 (Must make her mine)10 Chapter 10 (Fake Friend)11 Chapter 11 (Evan's Secret)12 Chapter 12 (Pleasure)13 Chapter 13 (This moment)14 Chapter 14 (Another Enemy)15 Chapter 15 (Fire of Revenge)16 Chapter 16 (Weird friendship)17 Chapter 17 (Now or Never)18 Chapter 18 (Not your perfect Lunch)19 Chapter 19 (Book of Secrets and Chaos)20 Chapter 20 (Bad bad idea)21 Chapter 21 (Destroying Plan)22 Chapter 22 (A Glass of Evil)23 Chapter 23 (Not a perfect Homecoming)24 Chapter 24 (A bittersweet moment)25 Chapter 25 (A Vengeful soul)26 Chapter 26 (Arrested)27 Chapter 27 (Saving)28 Chapter 28 (At the end of the Day)29 Chapter 29 (Raena's revenge [Part 1])30 Chapter 30 [Raena's revenge (Part 2)]31 Chapter 31 (World)32 Chapter 32 (At the dawn of another TROUBLE)33 Chapter 33 (Feels Good)34 Chapter 34 (Practice Duel)35 Chapter 35 (Crazi- Star Kiss)36 Chapter 36 (I hate you Mother!!)37 Chapter 37 (Threat)38 Chapter 38 (A little feeling known as jealousy)39 Chapter 39 (Twisted)40 Chapter 40 (The party)41 Chapter 41 (Lovely)42 Chapter 42 (Once upon a...)43 Chapter 43 (Mischief and Chaos)44 Chapter 44 (Beautiful Mistakes)45 Chapter 45 (The end)46 Chapter 46 (Fight!!!!!)47 Chapter 47 (Playing games)48 Chapter 48 (At all cost)49 Chapter 49 (Reasons and secrets)50 Chapter 50 (Evil)51 Chapter 51 (Happiness...)52 Chapter 52 (New plan)53 Chapter 53 (Halloween...{Part 1})54 Chapter 54 (Halloween...[Part 2])55 Chapter 55 [Halloween...(Part 3)]56 Chapter 56 [Halloween... {Part 3}]