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Fire & Ice

Fire & Ice


Chapter 1 Kano state. July 1999

Word Count: 775    |    Released on: 03/08/2021


anna briskly walked down to the bus stop to board a bus to her place of work. She di

r who had been away from home on duty. He was on his way back home to visit hi

earing a military uniform. He never had the chance to see his daughter who

him so very much and It hurt so bad. He never got to see his daug

ly just to feel the baby's kick. How he would lie down wit

that he's never coming home to her, that she

ar of strength, otherwise living would have been hell sinc

ar about what the voice said, she turned in confusion towards the

what did

e problem?...why

er face to feel the tears running down her cheek. Feeling moisture on her fin

e was worried about the beautiful young lady who has be

much, ma'am," she said with a wea

sses whatever it is that you are going through right now. Weep

to God in your prayers... He cares for you, okay?" She said w

elderly woman. After some minutes the bus arrived at her bus stop a

rived, she sat at her desk and started getting ready for the day's work by taking the necessary files that needed th

joining the company. The former secretary who recently resigned had put in some good words for her after seeing her attention to deta

enough money to take care of herself and daughter's need, she would need to visit t

ad, that doesn't mean she should relax, her daughter's future would depend o



outside. After calming her heart and getting her bearing, she made her way to the balcony on wobbling legs. Som

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