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Fire & Ice

Chapter 2 Chaos

Word Count: 772    |    Released on: 03/08/2021

were running helter-skelter for shelter, some people were staggering away f

leg gone was carried hurriedly in a wheelbarrow, prob

wards the rest of the staffs that was standing with her on the balcony. They we

ed towards the staircase before anybody could stop him. They a

was crying hysterically, even as a man. He sat on the gr

ed a bomb in a fully loaded 60-seater bus that was heading towards Lagos. It is horri

us stop..." he couldn't continue again as he put his head

they were standing, silently crying. Who would console who? They were a

te and shouted "run for your lives, someone

gh her muddled up mind " oh God! Please no! I need to

ickly grabbed her handbag and ran like she

nce they believed the staffs were safer inside than outside, the buildin

need to go get my baby, her creche is located inside

who was a Muslim interjected. She quickly removed the long Qimar she was wearin

youself from their evil ey

ike offered to take and drop her halfway bec

s, roads she was not familiar with before

said with his heavily assented Ha

I'm not familiar with this road, how

are you

to Badari

hing, then he bent down and removed his shoes, then the socks he w

omen don't dress like that in this part and you have to b

this route..." he pointed to another dirt road by her left "...is f

, just tell them you are looking for your son

y fl

it leads to the major road that links Badariya. You should be abl

ank you v

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