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The italian´s Proposal

Chapter 4 The coffee Shop

Word Count: 1733    |    Released on: 04/08/2021

them and it was life or death to get a coffee. Melody was trying to work at lightning speed, cranking the machine, pouring the coffee that was kept hot from the glass pot, and charging the cus

n she couldn’t open the place at seven in the morning, M

holarship, and only returned for the summer. Raymond loved his father, but he couldn’t stay in the shop forever. At least that’s what Doyle told her when she came recommended by Lucy. Her friend had

rumpled shirt called out to

the machine was jammed, something that used to

pologized without looking at the man. She was sure that, if s

ou told me ten

s not personal. You can wait or you can walk for twenty minutes and find another c

bar stared at her as if all hell

e was right. Melody knew all of Ma

e shop nearby, at least not

- at least she had excellent coffee

t from day one, and even if things weren’t flowing

’t really need to work eight or ten hours, but who did it to have something extra and earned with their own sweat. She k

e to work that was the whole point. Her father always stressed it to both daughters of the marriage: Work

w she understood in part, why her father

the positive pregnancy test, her baby had become everything to her. But her mother was right about one thing, she

orties stood in front of her as if

ld Clark. A customer who according to her boss had been visiting h

m in a hurry, my boss

ridiculously big eyes, there are more people wa

offee pot had started to rise and

o give the service that corresponde

ing what the woman was saying. Looking at her as if she was stupid, he got back in

it, pointing to the sugar she handed them to their respective own

Gianetto is, for me he’s just like an

h that guy, Melody told herself going to pick u

the man with the rumpled

ull of plates, she placed them on the bar and p

Melody was interrupted by the voi

ing plates and coffee back and forth, several strands of hair had come loose from her tail. Melody was not an exuberantly beautiful woman, she did not captivate at first glance, she did not consider herself to be in a magazine by a

her to keep her makeup and hair done, she ignored it. She was at the

ound of the little bell indicating that someone had opened

as the fact that she was the oldest on the team, maybe it was because she was pregnant, “which you couldn’t tell yet, except when she threw up everything, she ate every

was all the helper or assis

e, to take their clothes to the dry cleaners, even more so when they were young and arrogant, lik

one she was sure would escape from between her lips, because if there was one thing she always

that had always caused her

a food business? Service? She e

the coffee pot at the arrogant man. She stared a

Melody ignored him completely. She poured five regular coffees and one w

e in just to annoy her and finish ruining

ond hair, a narrow mouth, and a square jaw. This man exuded pure masculinity and the scent of mon

econd Melody wondered what it would be like to be

nt and her pale skin was invade

in that place and all the anger she

or do I have to call Doyle

the impact he

d his eyebrows and crossed

time, Melody w

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