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The italian´s Proposal

Chapter 2 Discovery

Word Count: 1473    |    Released on: 04/08/2021


st he had been dating for over a year. He was the typical heartbreaker and longed lover for eve

of the room he shared with Gia every time he slept over there. His heart began to

her for a year now, everyone at home adored the journalist,

h his hands that were only practical and skilled at driving and closing deals. On

othy frowned at the surprise, but told himself that perhaps, after leaving the newspaper his girlfriend had decided to

rent concept. He was used to making them happy since he was a boy, he was their only son, and he didn’t want to give them a hard time. For that reason,

decided to come back two days early and surprise her. He loved to see how her curl

er. Her way of taking life slow and relaxed, and

that his mere presence would make Gia’s friends leave, half of them didn’t like him, because they had thrown them

the business, as was his first cousin Hamlet Giannato. They had grown up together, surviving the fame and business of both Giannatto brothers. Hamlet’s brother

s girlfriend was taking so long to come in, when

d the door open. He almost melted into t

to surprise her, he was stunned a


r bed

focused on enjoying their caresses that they did

waist, and she entwined her

ng to vomit at any moment. His woman, the one he was going to make h

very kiss, how the man was unbuttoning his work shirt, a shirt he


he though

ey both looked over to where Timothy st

blatantly be

red and put her h

hat came from Timothy’s lips, who had

had just c

and most giving women, models, journalists, businesswomen, dancers,

the verge of bursting into t

bed and began to put on her loose buttons. The man whom Timothy recognized as one o

her eyes had that glint in them that he had se

narrow hips, he spent a lot of time in the gym w

arly!” he burst out as h

talk about this,” she beg

o you!” he slowed down and turned to fa

It was nothing,” she had

nd forgive her, but the man his girlfriend had

s on her shoulders and shook her. “I thought you loved me! You lied to me,

r hands-on Timothy’s face. “I love you, forgive me, this real

had mocked him and his feelings. He had never given himself away in such a way that betrayal

like this. Let’s work this out honey,” she took a step closer to him. “Le

rtment,” he started walking toward the exit and stopped, “you were so

ng him crying, he didn’t pay any attention to her,

e the only one who had

es she needed to attend, every outfit or debt she wanted or had, everything he had supplied for

rning desire she expressed every time they made

pid to believe her

elieved that their kisses were real. Nor

her love

d ruin

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