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Sinners' Love

Chapter 5 4. Counting The Pennies

Word Count: 719    |    Released on: 10/08/2021

y instead of bringing her home and buying some cheap p

business,” his littl

m just trying to help you here. Why do

e,” Carl denied instantl

ly rolled his

ed twenty-two-year old de

uggested calmly, “why is the fridge empty and

at that. His brother was so perc

et out in a hushed t

’re what?” D

like you said,” he retort

hers drawled. “May I know why? It’s not

rnia, but they didn’t leave much cash,” Carl admitted,

000 dollars in order for you to be accepted, you

ence for he was interrupted by Carl’

nodded, before ca

ir nervously, something he did a lot ever since he was a

the time,” Daniel informed him casually while sipping on his

t that. He couldn’t

do that?” He

ther, right?” Daniel narrowed

is head left and right, seemingly inc

cine,” his brother started matter-of-factly, “I believe they still left about se

was the dismissive

ad one,” Danie

one,” Carl told him

I believe is t

ngue and averted his eyes. How co

a job. Not you. Not Carl Davidson.” He made sure to put emphasis on the last sentence. He knew his

d med student denied, turning his no

aniel conceded, “But I’m corre

e sheepish res

of the Davidson’s brothers clapped his hand

Came the ind

ard me


sternly. “I do not plan on sellin

d to the ground. “I have

rent it. And in three years, by the time you finish yo

n resignation. “What about

in it for th


told him in a no-nonsense to

terly and completely de

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