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The Last Heir of Isildur

Chapter 4 They need your help

Word Count: 1673    |    Released on: 11/08/2021

! Fire!

the shrubs, on a sledge pulled by rabbits. He l

t's Radagast

girl and the dwarves

to that of people. He lived in the western borders of Mirkwood and kept an eye on the great fore

with worry, talking about huge spider

the old fortres

n and the Rings of Power, Isildur and the Battle of Dagorlad*. The

ear, not

about his encounter with the Nazg

ew things were able to scare her, but that weapon cause

the north. "Wargs," she thought. She took an arrow from the quiver and shot

ck is not far away. We

n ord

't have the ponie

eamed i

raw the

then sa

bad Wargs! They

f scol

el rabbits! I'd li

igh and headed south at full speed, followed

t looked like. Arya no longer saw Gandalf, no longer knew where he went, until the wizard poked out of the rock behind them, revealing instead a small cave. In a short time, the dwarfs began to enter it. Arya was also about to do so when she heard someone screaming behind her: Ori, the youngest of the company, had been attacked b

I'm s

seeing her co

e blee

d expression of astonishm

ing, I can

bite, dear, it n

rl, followed by Fili and Kili, w

time for this,

receiving reproachful star


ed to fi

long to find us

, she had understood where the cave led. T

path, it will take

e last welcoming house east of the sea. At the exit of that cave, i

ong, wasn't it?! You lead

essed the wizard with a n

n of Thrain. The only malice in this

will try

But we have question

f conc

ral terrace of the royal palace,


reeted th

must speak t

My lady, where have you been?!

w could she possibly know the elves? She wasn't one of them after all. They didn't really know what to th

ut you're hurt, you mus

hat, perhaps, it was better to do as she was to

so hungry after all. She started to walk through the halls of the palace, t

you at dinner t

prised to he

ll me that, Fili

s that y

e seemed almost disappointed in her. Arya d

houlder doing

ringing her to

tter, th

no reason to help Ori, let alone to

on why she had acted so: she was following her instinct,

k you a q

rf spok



re? I mean, you

with my brother. King Elrond welcomed us after the

orry, I d

ymore. Every one of us carries bad memories that w

we ca

s wondering where you were hiding.

of Gandalf. The young woman waved to t

lk to you is that I want

stopped, shocked

n't think that

a big heart. Arya, I think you've already realised what the aim

at do you think will happen when they find out who I

on't kn

ast I will not be able to do it alone. What will

l dragons are the same, you

se I do,

ked to Thorin who agree

nce meeting him, Thorin had done nothing b

accept it, or did

en ask

urse, I conv

e? How does he address me? You know that he do

and it, before Thorin understands it. The fact that he has accepted, even if unwillingly, is a


r. She also agreed because she was worried about that mountain: something was at work behind t

go before obtaining the approval of Saruman and Galadriel and, while he was certain the Lady of Light would be on their side, the Wh

nt Doom, in this battle the last alliance between men and elves d

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