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Endless Love (A short Story)

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 551    |    Released on: 16/08/2021

t first, followed by my friends.The halls were flooded wit

o get to their room. While we were walking freely without some

t run, can it? " Jane said and we just

and get the book I needed to the last cla

I love

rst! " they both said

guys never listened to one of th

d and I just rolled my e

say. " I said and

at the back of the class so that no one can disturb us and a

, am I

ke the two lazy asses who've been

e surprised to see my jerk bro


e said and stepped back. Mrs. Innova

nnova. Not to be rude

k. And you never changed huh, still the same str

point. "I said no

hree boys that

do they nee

and gave me a look. Tobias made a face tha

you m

don't even do their homework and projects done

rrah exclaimed. They

hat the hell is that? Us? They're old enough

e thing is they're too lazy to learn. That's why I ne

ot of smart students

test, Kendall is the top,Marrah is on the second rank and Jane is on

rst. Who's the three boy



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