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Secretary Kim

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1050    |    Released on: 15/08/2021

tough." He warned, pointing

do what you ask me to do." S

day, Sir" She g

m." The CEO said. "And, I didn't say you will

don't even think I can wor

e disobeys me. Do you want this job or not? If you still want, your desk

to work." Kimberly

tting the job. She'd celebrate alone an

s on the table. Sort the

I sort t

talk too much. Once you ask a question and I don't reply you, don't repeat i

comfortable but an


again and sat upright. "I will tell you the remaining rules when it's time.

the coffee? I don't

r. She won't repeat the question so

outside though three are no where

job, Miss?" One

with that man? He's a lion!" A g

t the job or he yelled at you to leave his office? You know he's kind o

dding." The guy said and they all laughed till t

watched his so called new sec

he knocked on the door he was le

ed like she was bitten by something and without tell

in trouble some


sat down, looking at the fil

o do with these file

nts. Those files are from Dante Enterprises." Kimberly turned to see

" She ap

out his hand to Kimberly. "Nice meeting you. I'm Mr Ben, the managing

ime." Kimberly showed off her engagement ring in front of Mr Ben. "Don't try to flirt with me. You're old

d to his seat but he wasn't t

g wh

and found out that he was

ked him but he gave no re

." He ordered almost li

s s

the book out and pla

tten 'Life

do you

n sir. Mr Ben told me that I shoul


r Canada today." He stuck his left hand into his

hould be happy I'm traveling out of te country for the first

"We are going today and arriving today. No worries. Take the taxi, I don'

i wish he isn't my boss.


ain. The wind blew hard. Kimberly packed her ha

ning to ac

e except for Damien and Kimberly. He stopped and sto

n to him since she had

ain is pouring hard on us." Kimberly kept s

e stretched out his hand like he was reaching for someone. He

ed strictly even in that situa

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