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Secretary Kim

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1234    |    Released on: 15/08/2021

hear him mumble

istaken, she he

ke them. I don't want t


erly paid the man because Damien walk

he scoffed before goin

ill going to ca

" He instructed while he

erly came

k Monday. Don't turn my company upside down. If you do, a sack letter on your table is going gre

rward and said, "Am

look. He didn't answer her

in the car and sat a

t and sit at the back." Kimberly


rive?" He

ing." Sh

you're still learning ho

rive like

ran under a trailer with my colleagues but thank God we were saved. Though one of

u want me

't die the second tim

iced his sen

g that you don't want

y with a cold eyes then turned back to the stee

l they got to the airport and

e. The wallpaper on her phone. Sh

in few weeks time. She

er fiance hasn't call her f

ld that he had traveled and don'

'd call him but w

mbled and fell asleep. Dreaming of ho

sweet but when realization hit her, she opened her eyes and stared at his goo

y've landed in Canada. Damien wa

ed down at her dress

ly ruined by my boss' S

e her and change her cloth. We are having a meeting in

hange her cloth, Damien stood outs

y here for free days before leavi

she was looking at her phone and touchi

be gettin

" He mumbled and turned around to see his Secretary in a navy blue gown that went abo

ell she look pre

uth, he walked further into the airport. T

riving, they came down aga

eir room and of course their

heir stomach with something a

rge enough and Kimberly me

turned out that she's

n." They all greeted hi

to greetings. He would rath

on the chair while

the meeting

t who is this?" A man

cretary! So start the damn meeting!" Dami

U.K arrived lately on Wednesday and they need two

here's the person that supplied

g a meeting. They will jo

ntil they come. Let's keep looking at ourselves lik

:53pm. He got up to go call their

as Damien commanded them

that Damien is weal

almost 30 minutes but t

he meeting without the b

t up!" He

nly gasped and

ding her st

o you?" Damien a

exploded." She ans

Where?" Som


held it tight and whispered, "Don't tel


even bring you?"

ture. Just carry me to m

ur way out! I'm out of here." He wa

your f*cking boss and the supplier?!" She snapp

r him. You're just like your boss

e tap water made you look ugly more than a gorilla.

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