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The Forgotten Wolf (The Tears of Odin)

Chapter 2 Odin

Word Count: 688    |    Released on: 19/08/2021

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is born in the kingdom of Shadow Moon Crescent, that child will

e poorly wolf like us unkindly. Most time I had wish to be in his twin sister shoe at least to help the needy people of Shadow Moon Crescent kingdom. Princess

th a lovely soul and character. Princess Erica knows that everyone

marriage. She had turned down all the whole marriage pro

son Kingdom. Like I had once said, there are two most powerful wolf Kingdoms in all w

trying to dominate each other for as l

be wondering

ccording to her 'for my own safety', sometimes I had wondered what safet



7 y

de and visit that great kingdom y

side this place. I am trying to keep you safe, a

15 ye

my whole life, please let me just s

, when you are 18 I will

er? " Odin a


18 ye

whosoever we are hiding away from won't know that it's me, I am perfectly good at that mother, please let me at least take a

d lady

n, ge

pprove of me going to ta

t you from dangers and from harm. I c

Odin completed the word for her grandmother. " I know that mother, but you also know that I am an expert in dis

but promise me you won't

the old lady that she wouldn't be near the palac

n, and be very

disguise herself into a beggar, a old begger, and quickly went

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