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The Forgotten Wolf (The Tears of Odin)

Chapter 5 Odinlete Wolves (

Word Count: 1033    |    Released on: 19/08/2021


ip was drea

ful a lady; who was gravely injured, her hai

as c

didn't care, the most important p

hy did you d

We wolves fought against ourselves for Powers but no matt what we are one. I

crifice yourself for those who don't love

will come back. You are important to me and that was why I did what I

wly wiping off the blood sear on h

e adorned her beautiful face

es. "I will wait fo

tle field were freeze, Philip and Odin were the only people that wer

hilip asked, rea

ild, I am here to help you",

ow my love to die, sav

come back again?" The mys

s I

she will be reborn. I am here to take her body with me and you; you will live as she had

her again, I will wait for

look on his lover. Odin starte

who ar

as if expectin

ce to face with t

ly before s

ip woke up

t was the dying girl saying abo


ever with a girl dying in his hands a

looked so familiar to him as

d seen the face b


oked for that beggar lady he saw when she ran int


e and went home, she didn't t

chores, cooked,

ere closed she saw he

long?" She turned to see the

, are you

w you can't hide away from

s, the remaining four, wh

e day you are going to be crown the Queen of all wolves", the

n with his back on her causing havoc to the peopl

told to sacrifice herself for the good of the peopl

Odin saw herself wi

rgotten by the people but I won't

wolves? Will t

y sought out the help of Areola, with his help he will freeze

ed in und

used the people I am evil with my

worry I have

llip, what will

. I will have to remove his memories for peace to reig

born? How would I know it's him since

f and your love will draw you both togeth

and she saw herself dy

nd saw it was

f the young man hol

met her grandmother m

ten, Odin told he

ad a strange l

happened 90,000 years ago, but not from m

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