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Loving The CEO

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2209    |    Released on: 21/09/2022


her Summers." That was the headline that was on the front of today's morning newspaper. These journalists were like a hungry dog lusting after a damn bone. They had written total c

y jaw was still feeling the sting every time I thought about it. Heather was someone who couldn't keep her legs closed, especially to men who had money. She always wanted to use and abuse then toss aside the men that she dated, never wanting the

ingly but everything changed about a month ago when she started getting clingy and territorial so I had to break things off. It se

y coffee?" I shouted to

better. I was feeling a bit moody and I was ready to take it out on everyone who got me upset this morning. I was now the CEO of Jacob's Enterprise, a multi-billion-dollar marketing company. I was appointed by my dad Kyler Jacob three years ago who had decided that he should retire and enjoy the rest of his remaining years p

id that no woman could ever replace my mom so that's why he never got remarried and th

r accident shortly after I turned seven. I remembered that day like it was yesterday. My dad had come

tried to reach out to me but I rebuffed his efforts–– I had refused to let anyone in. I was so angry. That's until James, my now bodyguard, driver, and a family friend who has been with the family many years had come into my room and forced me to hear him out because he was tired of my

sided. To many, he seemed like a frightening giant but in reality, he was a calm and collected guy.

the harsh way I treat them but that was not the case. This world we live in is full of competition and what would people think when Jacob's Enterprise hits rock bottom, my dad will be criticized by every

tarted with just a small amount of money and turned it into something huge––a multi-billion company and I allowed it to

astic measures to kee

imidating to people, which is ironic. I am the complete opposite of what they make me out to be,

e women but only in bed. Controlling their every pleasure, allowing them to succumb to

with the cup of coffee that I had requested about fifteen minut

utes ago sir,"

g it? A cup of coffee takes

" her voice ca

t Mrs. Wilson?"

her voice wa

Mrs. Wilson can I be assured t

ice still held a nervous ring to it. Feeling completel

led man's worst nightmare fear. Feeling satisfied with her answer and reaction I dismissed her. For the remainder of the day, I went through some impor

me over the phone. "Have you purchase

n busy but I am finishing up now s

ay the paper, I grabbed my jacket and was out the door. Pressing the button to my private elevator, I entered and pressed the button that says lobby. When

dad." Opening the car doors we both got in sim

ther Summers had come to the

"somehow I don't fi

n it earlier when he called, wa




t it out

you guys can talk; I

es knows I like to know things beforehand so I can prepare myself for what

as soon as I get the time or we meet again I will be speaking to her. I know she wants a relationship but she knows my views on it. She knows that

er and waited until the person at the front let me in. Hearing the buzzing sound, I opened the door and e

oval-shaped face. Staring into her hazel eyes I was just starting to get lost in them when I heard her ask me ho

asked her, "it's a business book," I added aft

you like me to escort you to t

seemed to be the perfect fit for my hands when I had her bent over my desk cupping them. Chuckling at the thought

ok I asked for without being too obvious. Chuckling silently at her behavior, I continued to watch her search

d a bright shade of pink. Walking back to her station I got to see her ass again and I was enjoying the view when I saw that she

omething I couldn't explain ran through my body. It was like fire igniting my body–it was the first I was ever experiencing it and I liked it. Giving her a wink, I walked outside the store.

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