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Love me, King Robart

Chapter 5 V

Word Count: 1202    |    Released on: 28/08/2021

day was part of his normal routine. He started training at the age of six and has

. After breakfast, he went to the training grounds with the Paladins and knights. They

ould explode. It is always the same. The Wolf Clan invaded the hunting grounds of the Strong Hammer Clan. A warrior from the Fire Clan to

day was part of his normal routine. He started training at the age of four and ha

he thought his head would explode. It is always the same. The Wolf Clan invaded the hunting grounds of the Strong

Ever since magic ore was discovered in Nordmar, the miners never stopped extracting this precious ore. The five mines that were in N

the Kingdoms, has already written to Robart

Hamelin. Instead, King Hamelin will be sending exotic spices from the Southern Islands, paper,

ate with the Paladins and went to his room. He hasn’t seen Ayla si

armor. Like always, he had a pair of trousers and a tunic under his a

ld not start a conversation. So she waited patiently for Robart to talk first while sh

d her to look at him. Maybe she did not like how he looks. He frowned, remembering ho

ing he can want to with her, he could not harm her. He took the decision in the haste of the moment, and now Ayla was his wife. There was nothing he could do about it now. Vows have been told, and a peace treaty had been signed. The only thing left to do was to take he

bed and fuck her until she got pregnant. And if

if it snowed each day. Even if she could not deny that it was beautiful, but the constant snow made it imp

a, and started undoing her hair. She almost j

t I like you more with your hair down, cascading al

is fingers through her hair. H

ile,” he told her while h

floor, but Robart ignored

bart tells Ayla onc

.” Ayla says

ittle protests and p

like the way you smell, Ayla,” Robart said a

ter, like Nordmar, the land he loves so much. But for some

It was his hot lips on her cold skin that did something to her, and a li

into her sapphire eyes while touching her bottom lip with his th

her. She already said her vows in front of the F

st time, so I will try t

on hers, devouring her. His tongue pushed for

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