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The Disembodied soul

Chapter 3 SCHOOL

Word Count: 1054    |    Released on: 26/08/2021

, I accidentally tu

hed out, into my wardrobe. It's my first day of school and I'M ALREADY LATE!. Without tying my shoelaces, I walked bri

t the door behind me. Entering Kelvin's bicycle, I drop the helmet at the bike park. Then I rode, munch

ed to watch her. She reluctantly turned and looked at me unawares, still on the same speed. I guess she was heading to school too 'ca

r school (Bridgeland High school, AND W

es", an aged lady shouted from

ned when I noticed her giving me weird looks. What do you expect when

y. I quicken my speed and arrived my school. So Grandeur it was. Following the trooping crowd into the s

n, looking more of an alien, he ears abnormally large and have this joker smile.He reminds me of goblins of old. I

looked at the guy with him, a

y bag and pushing strays of hair fro

u your class", he said turning to go. With


e more and more unknown and known friends, unknown and known enemies. One Arnold Palmer, which I knew was a captain from his team, was a known bully. Well, I hated him from the start. His permanent frown and harsh words. He hated m

don't wish to know the rest. I was considered social so I made friends with one Ranni, the boy that was obviously with Mr Williams, the f

ude in comics and of course, a trickster. We were more than best of friends.

y... Shit why didn't you tell me", I

e said. Sofia stood staring at us, smiling slightly. I g

anna go a

ilet", I said, a

dumb ass do such in school?", Ranni whispered loud

said, struggling with the door. Just then, the door was slightly pushed from outsid

she said softly, with her puppy dog eyes,

m go

outh ajar. He might not be thinking straight, 'cause the hug was the least he expected. Wait, he really

one be

frowned, but my stomach made a gro

'm off", I sai

soundproof", Ranni shou

orgetting some

I said, ret

howing me my wallet. Shocked, I sear

s... here", I

irls, even handshakes though", he explained. I smiled slightly. Now they got

e again, I da

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