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Knight To Dracula

Chapter 5 Something fishy

Word Count: 555    |    Released on: 31/08/2021

research center is to be created. 'Something lies under this' he rolled the can of Anis continuo

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help you w

have to' she m

, where are y


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vaccine today, but just have to distribute t

e, what vac

p when she realized

the blood vessel' she lied

… I

y's office, when Max thought he shou

go, we've got an exper

ave some coffee toget

the same mistake as ever s

, I have a p


ed, Max could see i

late tom

's so swee

her table was piled with lots of books and chemical equipment at a corner, a board was

morning, what's going on

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ollege and had work in the same office for some years but dispe

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give this to the victims' s

ervous system, and is she aware that the stud

l is wrong with her, d

e fine, I

leave, I have got

t for

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at lead outside, when they approache

ere' Naddie asked a

wants her to

e have a


r walking to

she exchanged a naught

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