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Rain and Tears.

Chapter 3 Alexander Knights

Word Count: 1880    |    Released on: 07/09/2021


ht the glass to my lips and thinking about her. Fuck, she has still occupied my mind even after these six years. There was not single day, I didn't think about her. She destroyed me, haunting me all those years. Now, I won't let her live in her peace. I will make her cry ten times more than she made me. I gave her my heart, my

lf. I'm Alexander Knight, CEO of Knight and C

dress, which was showing her creamy legs. My hands were itching to touch them. I could see every curve of her body. She had changed in beautiful women. Time changes people, I can see it. She was squir

irked. "It would be to bad if you won't introduce your hot and handsome friend to that sexy

k my head. I went to the VIP room and called my bodyguard. "Derek, you know what you have to do." I smirked on my evil plan. I had hired my spy on her. I started working on my plan since the day I left her. Now, it's time to exicute my plan. I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes. Image of her ravishing and sexy body played in my mind. Her breasts were

r here, I smirked and switched off the light

o play some game,


er, please

o stop. His eyes went from cold to soft after looking at them. But he covered it. His hand left my chin with the force, I stumbled and hit the floor. I hissed in pain when my head hit with the end of the table. He went to bar, opened the bottle and put it to his lips. His back was facing me. I found it great opportunity to run out of the room. I slowly took out my heels and switch off the flashlight of phone. Now, only the moonlight was spreading in the room. I stood up, everything hurts. My head, my jaw, my hand every part of my body, they hurts. I put my lips between my teeth to stop the groan that wanted to came out of my lips. I glanced at him to make sure he was still there or not. I sighed when I saw him in same position. I wondered why he

ill make him more angrier. He moved his free hand down my body, stopped at my breast. Last time we met, you were a cute girl" he was squeezed them, "Ah-Ahh" I cried and whimper at same time. "Now you are turned into a beautiful woman." He moved to other breast and did the same. He moved his hand down, stopped at the hem of the dress. He started caressing my inner thigh. I protested and closed them but he opened them, pushed himself forward. I tried to free my hand and started moving under him. He put my one leg on his waist and slammed himself again into me. I gasped when his hardness hit my core through the cloth. I tried to remove my leg but he gripped it tightly. I'm sure, there will be bruises on body where he touched me. He started grinding and groaned. His chest vibrated and I shivered at the feeling. I He bowed his head towards my neck, started giving it feathery kisses still grinding me with his pelvis. I couldn't help it but gave him more lean in his touch, heat pulled into my core. He still makes me feel

o suppress painful moan. He sucked on my collar bone. He assaulted them as he did to my shoulder. He stopped when he done with me. He pinned me in the bed, my hands wer

he said, mar

avy due to tears. My throat was sore due to all those helpless cries. The pain was too much for

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