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Chapter 3 3. Discovering his hidden character

Word Count: 1142    |    Released on: 03/09/2021


a servant came to inform me that my carriage was ready, I wanted father to see me off but he ref

e others got in the other carriage, when t

ou okay?" Lauren a

eaned against the couch

y sat upright and found Lauren asleep, I looked outsid

here people were gathered and cheering, Lauren

sked as I nodded and

abided by, was the rule that said I was to cover my face before marriage, only a

, Lauren came out first then I followed, I looked a

ry were the finest, it was the first time looking at men this close, amongst all of them he was the most handsome, his eyes were light green and his hair dark blond, although he was very handsome his eyes

king ride with you?" He aske

swered then handed a scroll to the m

ren the scroll, he must have made

g, but you are here so let's carry on with the plan, the we

and left with a displeased ex

who held the scroll said a

highness and help you prepare

he tall older

younger redhead said

tiful women, you are all breathtaking," the ma

auren's hand a

a pleasure to finally

er in, did he think Lauren

e" she p

y was friendly, if he was the king I had a feeli

y and Amore said as the

we reached a certain room they pus

ch different from my room back in my kingdom, the only differe

ving me with my lad

escort her highness?" Cin

nswered as she got Cleo

could you forget your du

ness went to talk to o

uld be a mistake

t?" I asked

each other fo

e," Miriam said trying to make

y preparing the wedding" C

Grace" Amore answered with la

ce?" Debb

utiful daughter of lord

we speak?, As in he sleeps with her?" I asked tryi

ive tails of gold right now, when you go upstairs you will hear the screams, he can never get enough of lady Grace, every time we walk by we could hear their moans and gro

ng only agreed to marry the princess because of the ministers who advised him to do it, he wante

ss is really unlucky

t," Debby and Mir

Lauren walked in wit

d Amore

he preparations," La

indy and Amore a

princess, she is," sh

d at me in shock, I s

g up to me and my ladies, now if you will help me

highness" they

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