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Chapter 2 2. Disrespect

Word Count: 1058    |    Released on: 03/09/2021


me quietly, I sat upright and cleared my throat, those days I used to wake up

ess." They gre

they were like my

e standing up, I moved and sat on a

and carefully starte

omorrow? You know you will be wedded to

ace!" Lauren yelle

to be calm, we are about to take a journey to a foreign land who kno

yelled while

es quick

your presence, I'm a princess for crying out loud if you can't respect me here

ry our very best to improve, tomorrow will be a big day, you

ies to attend to me," I said as the

I looked at Lauren with a pained heart, why would she k

me," I said then turned

will one day cost us our h

, as for the rest of you, don't get back to your duti

from the princess," Janet said lowly, while I a

oach me then shortly L

re on everyone's behalf r


y now they knew me better, why is it that you are different from the

own each other since we w

he was right but that still

an excuse

tubbornness and your kind heart, I know I'm not suppose to s

r sadly then l

" She asked i

mistake should not settle without a punishment, remember what fath

lock you up so you could do

want them to learn, that's why I was thinking of h

o, not all princesses can be this kind, many are self-centered but you aren't, please reconsider you

ing yourself in the sen

roup to attend to you, if you are to send the ladies away, that w

ower lip th

e can agree in letting y

agree, to me you and the ladies are my family, I can't

not really giving me a choice here" I wh

Paula, so? What will it

ep breath then

r, but as for their punishment, they will continue to k

answered with a smile the

asked trying to unders

unishment" she

dn't punish you

ed and took the vow that they too take, I'm glad that you have given us all a second chance, for that I'm

uppose to understand that everything I'm

" she a

ou are forgiven," I said lo

smiled happily too, I nodded then walked past

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