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The martins

Chapter 3 Morning

Word Count: 1262    |    Released on: 06/09/2021

d then bow my head i don't want to see his howling face right now . Well we're all afraid of him. "Sorry what?" he growled and greeted his teeth. "Sorry Daniel." We all need to a

e nuggies" He whisper shouted but all i can say chelo hears him cuz he passes the plate full of nuggies to matt's side. "Thankyou" Matteo said while smiling at chelo. Chelo just replied with a smile showing his deep like marianas dimple. I guess that's a welcome. I look at chelo if this guy is not my brother i will definitely be his girlfriend but he's my brother. I'd love to be his girlfriend because ya know he's quite good to be one. Just to clear all of your minds okay i don't have a feelings for him like boyfriends and girlfriends stuff. I love him as my amazing older brother. Enough of it anyways i will just eat then think what will i do today. "Everyone heads up to me." Daniel said with the deeper tone deeper than atlantic ocean. As he say we all look up to him he just smiles. Like wtf is this man wants we stare at him all day to see his whole piece of shit. "Kei, Stand up quit being lazy get your ass up to work." He appoints to my sister shekeila like he owns her life but he owns it lol. "Don't nag me Niel you're just 2 years older than me and don't act like your my mom duh." Kei said while checking her nails if it's pointed enough to stab somebody. "Yeah i know but we have to work so get up." Blake said without even looking at kei. "Lochelo, You'll be the one in charge as i and kei go to work don't let that dipshīts ruin the house and i will check to all of you time to time" He look to lochelo eyes deeply as he say his commamd to lochelo. "And here's money to spend for the rest of the day." He hands lochelo a black card of us to spend. "Okay thanks" Lochelo said politely as he grabs the card. "You all my five spawn of satan siblings behave please don't ruin the house okay? Understand?" He says howlimg with his deep voice towards us. We all stand up and form into a line of course lochelo isn't with 'cus he's the one will be taking care of us. We all line up from the oldest to youngest of us five. "Yes sir!" All of us five say and then s



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