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Sophie's Effect

Chapter 2 Second Chapter

Word Count: 1744    |    Released on: 06/09/2021

where he failed her. When did he get it wrong? However he tried, he just could not seem to find the logic behind it all, his mind could never come up wi

g to Yale is more important

don't be ri

diculous one",

their eyes as they stared at him. He sighed despondently,

erself to stop. How could her heart possibly break when it

et heard her name, a town where no one kne

boast of a few necessities and Sophia thought it was just perfect. It did not ev

ation and pulled up in front of the

over his face in a handsome way and Sophia could bet all the money in

rightest voice, "I'm loo

uld get a nice cottage for rent, it's owned

, she introduced.

l see a large farm with a sign, 'Brian's Far

d a big smile, the fuel atte


n to one of his favorite authors and his best friend's ex-girlfriend. She was the one, no way could he have missed her white

Yale, he knew he couldn't let him go, they had to be friends. He could still hear his wife's voice, frustration and hurt coloring the edges as she told him she was leaving him but she would l


els of Tarirah", rubbing it's cover, she slowly opened it and read the dedication page, "for the Grade 9 students of Tarirah High School, Nasus". The inspiration had come from them al

t, motivation to write, to be creative and she wanted



walking outside the house. It was almost nightfall and the entire town was so peaceful. She walked through the green fields where cows and sheep gr

ing a cow?"

. She was beautiful and had big brown eyes

I'm just surprised. I mean you being l

then Sophia extended her hand for

Singh", th

s your da

, Di


Hindi, not to worry I'll

ia said quickly, "Sop

hter", a deep masculine v

es I have", she said clearing h

divorced. It's j

pas", Sophia apologized.

age next to hers with a grin on his

"uhm, I better go in, we'll t

nd town I'm your go to guy

lready that they were neighbors. The last thing she needed was a tal


on the radio, a glass of wine in his hands, reminiscing, and feeling bad. He wondered where


eading in variations, "WHERE IS SOPHIA

uss was about. Sophia was some place alright, some place with spa

need to go?"

s a job waiting f

o do with Sophia?

id and the lie s


ating Samosa which she learnt was an Indian delicacy. She was starting to worry less and less about Indiana and had finall

asked her abruptly one da


ou. Dad's always talking about you, he says yo

nd her dad looking at her, a frown on his f

Esha protested,

widely, "I do

to dance in circles. "C'mon d


. Either Chopra was in the city or he was in Alimaj town with his daughter Esha. He did not want to bother him tonight but the memories were too strong. Memories of a

stood there by the window just looking at th

Sophia, I


st and they were whispering sweet nothings to each other. Sophia did not know if it was the wine but Chopra's fac

iful Sophia", Ch

s around his neck, her heartbeat racing. It had been a long time since she felt this kind of electric ripple down her body. She felt his

rked his way underneath her blouse, releasing her breasts from its hold in her bra

ing to mush, gliding with him, locked in a dance as old as time, the

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