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Sophie's Effect

Chapter 3 Third Chapter

Word Count: 431    |    Released on: 06/09/2021

ight sky began to come to her bit by bit, afterwards, they had moved to Chopra's room and gott

he bed, hurriedly

er with you Soph

opra. Oh my God, what have I done?" With th


ime and leave a message," Indiana

led Chopra's n

eave a message at the b

you, you cool? I'm in the city but wanted to c


natched the phon

ust woke up. There's absolutely no need for you to com

want to see her but can we

out her, Mrs Brian wi

quickly ran to Mrs Brian who smiled and said "no problem". Next


id not even bother coming to her, he did not bother to know how she was feeling. And she hated hers


ng but nothing seemed to click. How would he get Indiana t

licked. No man could resist that smile! No matter Sophia's effect on Indiana, he was still a man, he would de

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