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The Special Ones Book 2: Hidden Secrets

The Special Ones Book 2: Hidden Secrets


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1265    |    Released on: 07/09/2021

of the Story 'The Special Ones' this boo

dents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to



t hungry and your prince charming isn't with you." He gave me a

ement, we went for the elevator and he escorted me into my room and opened the door for me, he placed the cake into th

ks" he teased and lau

at him who is also looking, sitting beside me. "I was

of questi


e was silence after

't know' a

rules." I stopped, I sit straight in

t ru

e the price' " he said "Those are one of

asked "Is there

ou can ask the b

I'm not

nd lean over my head on the headboard

ame up int

ed "It depends on what kind of betrayal they've do

together with Aldren. This Academy is not just an Academy, i

ed you?" I asked "What if I am a tr


ilent, he just looked at me calmly

hose words are shock to me, making me r

o me and sat beside "I can't hurt you or kill you because i

you, Julien." he gave me a comforting smile, and kissed my forehead, Lance p

le, I can't hear you.

t here that is looking for you,

are you tal

ien. Where

dorm, what ha

are you guy

ing, Bryle. Please,

meone wants to talk to you


a while ago while waiting for Amanda,

idge of his nose trying to calm down "How come someone

otice something strange or anyone came in- Alright! Al

now." he grabbed his jacket at the

pened to me in the gym? I almost died!

that there's an outside

a Black empire came her

one who attacked you is fro

est that is left behind

ghed in stress in what he heard, I stood up and held his

'll come

ou need it." I ignored him and wore

r permission, I'



d and looked at Terrence that is peacefully sleepi

rse "There's a new shirt here for Mr.

acefully, I gave him some space and looked around the clinic. It's quite big, the stuff's here are complet

ce something was wrong and differen

's we

om, it was Terrence. He was standing in fr

y awake, how a

or bringing me here and fo

you were bleeding like a lot" he just stares at me with his brows

've not s

is that I'm alive." he walked out

ing him here." Suddenly the door opens again f

ckly went out together with him, as I got o

t is running towards us "Just as I though

" Nicholas said "Also, the whole campus is unde

d at him "I'm sure Lance wanted to s

r her to come with

u're coming w

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