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Wings and Wolves

Chapter 4 Chapter Four

Word Count: 3926    |    Released on: 08/09/2021

c attack, sitting up to check her bedside drawer and make sure she had put awa

ut her friend, and the sun that slanted brightly through the claw hole

llow. “I just ran into tall, blonde

culously embarrassed by her behavior of the night. She had been all but f-king Raiden in the front yard, and the

new vibrator, and get onto a contraceptive, before she got herself into trouble more permanent t

an Other sort of family planning practise that she didn’t know of? Oh god, she thought. That was not a conversation she could have

haos of Lia’s thoughts. “That’s what I would have n

n he actually pays for the room.” If he kept his hands to himsel

So, how did things go with Raiden last night? He is super hot, hey? And such a sweetie. I was so not surp

him,” Li

r pillow. Paris would have none of it, tugging it away and tossing it aside so

kissing last night, Lia thought to

ht?” Paris

peration was warning that perhaps she had better apply some caution – at least until she answ

can tell,” Paris nudged her

brought herself to orgasm twice remembering the heat of their kiss. Even after, she had felt unsatisfied. Her v

wolf. “I served him a few drinks and he gave me a lift home. I don’t know. Maybe, if I get to know him better…?” Plea

baby.” Par

. Chemistry or heat. She needed to speak to Cael. She threw back the covers and pushed her way f

for you, maybe Cael will,” Paris made kissing noises before closing the

ng on tracksuit pants and a t-shirt. She could hear Paris chattering

ong legs crossed at the ankles and the sun catching in his golden hair and overnight growth of stubble. He was, frankly, gorgeous, she thoug

age before. She wondered if Paris had made it – operating the coffee percolator was not one of

ntered. “Cael was just telling me that

own a cup and placed it beside Paris’. Paris added a spoonful of instant and adde

led out a chair opposite to Cael. He sat up

all company,” he said easily, taking a sip of his coffee, and holding her gaze over the rim. “We’re tryi

sure that Paris’ eyes would be batting, and her cleavage would be advantageously displayed. W

ile. “Or I would have been sleepin

und a hotel,”

s an option, but I am no

way here,

ch is primarily shared by crocheting grandmas and lap cats. She’ll cheer up once she has had a coffee or five. On that note, I had better have a shower,” she added, s

spaper. The paper was three weeks out of date, Lia notice

opened the door into the hallway. “Be nice,” she

r eyes and dr

to a bad start last ni

shed. “

e all… warmed up from your boyfriend, the heat struck me a bit stronger than normal. I do not

g her coffee cup down. “I don’

. “You do


ed, she noted. “You just need to be a bit cautious as you will attract more male a

wondered embarrassed. “And is

d to miss last night.” He inhaled deeply. “Less noticeable this morning. I presume you took care of yourself

or, like Cael, he would know that she had spent quality time with her vibrator. “How long?”

. “A week,

eyes heavenward. As if being

sed his eyebrows. “More effective than masturbation.” He grinned. “I wo

you are going to be living here, we can absolutely not have a repeat o

hrough. “As to the rest... As you wish. You might regret that, however,” he said, smugly.

she retorted. “So, one month

ow would you

is f

the door. “Let me know w

the solarium. The fairy hissed at her from behind a leaf, sharp pointed teeth bared in a fearsome grim

ost singing from the kitchen, an old Elvis Presley song, about devils in disguise. The lyrics stuck in Lia’s head as sh

f her. By the time she reached the house, Raiden had removed his helmet and jacket, and leaned his hips against the di

gs. It made sense that he had offered to come to her aid within five minutes if she

tening as she came within a meter of him. “I have seen you run by a few t

re than a glass of water, as the ride home the night befo

plying no pressure, lett

ut her ha

ic scent from use. There was a new Ute parked before it, with an image of a s

were in a world which believed werewolves were fictional

his area. This one’s mid reno, so forgive the mess.” He led her up the stairs onto the porch. The front garde

power tools bei

this one had been stripped back, the floorboards sanded ready to be polished, and the old

uites to most bedrooms, which is unusual in houses of this era. Give the bathrooms, kitchen and laundries a refit, strip everyth

y house,” Lia admitted wistfu

drew her down the hall towards the kitchen. “I

plastic wrap was still on the dishwasher and oven. He opened a cupboard and

aid it out in such a way that the small space felt much bigger. Of course, she thought, the

open planned kitchen and living areas, whereas houses from this era have them closed off. But moving it would be too expensive f

yourself?” She as

, very grown up. She wondered how old he was and spe

was a regular at the club. The gap between them, in age, experience, sophistication and wealth

rself when she felt the heat rise in her, picking up her heartbeat and heating her

o her scent although he shifted slightly, easing the press of his hard on agains

ign over the werewolf’s head that said that he was danger to her, and everything her grandmother had ever told her cautioned her against

le. “We’re having a family barb

base thoughts of what she would like to do to and with him, and thrown

telling her that he would take her to a family barbecue not even a full day since they’d met. She regarded him in utter c

one. He reached out and caught her by the elbow, drawing her towards him

wanted to feel him against her, she wanted to feel t

pulled her

chest as he breathed was intoxicating intimate, she thought, raw in his openness. He unashamedly let he

hing motion pushing her tighter against him. The Other was in his eyes as he leaned down and drew his nose along the length o

ar, and the timber of his voice made her shiver, her body needy, craving. “Sweat re

r core. Her skin was on fire, she thought, the touch of his breath a tormen

den did not release her, his grip remaining pointedly firm – he w

o say, Rai, I’m going to go get something for lunch. You want? Should I pick up for three

ery much still present between them. He had not phrased it as a question, but nor had he used the alpha comm

him, embarrassed. He relaxed his grip, but only slig

maybe, eh, Lia?”

y name,” sh

replied, and closed

He took the invitation, stroking his tongue against hers, deepening the kiss until

not entirely sure who was grinding against whom, except that her breath was a sob

e else,” he said against her

he wanted

that’s what you’re worried about.” She was breathing so hard, she was dizzy with it,

needed something, she though

n door into the hallway. The floor plan was very close to her house,

ed was a basic, futon style, one step above camping. It made sense, she thought. They did not really live here and were ju

cover he had on them were of good quality, the m

rs, tapering into a lean and narrow waist. Each stomach muscle was perfectly delineated, begging for her to

mour kept humans from seeing the truth parading beneath their eyes. We

ched out, laying her palm against his skin wanting to feel the hot silk

ely more than a bre

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