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LOVE OF A QUISLING- A Blazing Inferno

Chapter 5 Final Assignment (I)

Word Count: 1000    |    Released on: 07/09/2021

espan is over in the blink of an eye. Since years of exposure to tragedy gradually desensitizes a mere human, a demon whose base instinct is evil

sion, his family made arrangements for his funeral, as a demon of Pride's calibre would only ever actively seek out a subordinate for two re

rd on the other side. "Step forward

but they prioritized their survival over the mission and missed out on its rewards. The portal closes im

pted to move closer and touch a nearby candelabra. Before he takes a step forward, however, he comes back to his senses. "What if this is a test? Wha

lf in a courtyard where Pride and a young demon are seated. On

been reduced to fine dust. Even the water of the Eternal River of Reincarnation would be unable to successfull

lessing of a high-ranked demon is a double-edged sword, as the definition of a reward depends on

r. Step forward to re

Defying his ancestor's orders would result in inevitable doom- he is certain that he won't

upon you. I grant you a qualitative increase in rank, status and power. You will always

ight. He immediately responds to Pride. "My life is

efore continuing. "I would ordinarily not be bothered to explain the details to you, but I do

assignment is compromised in any way, you'd better extinguish your True Soul imme

offered me their True Soul. Even Andromeda and Belial agreed to eternally remain in my debt if I gav

ower-ranked demon, on the other hand, remains silent, b

ou to step on many toes- you'd probably be hated by almost everyone. Many demons will be closely watching from the shadows, waiting for an opportune mo

gers lurk within immense success. You would not have chosen me if you did not cons

the lesser demon's wo

those who remain true to themselves walk it t

rd. Permit me to mentio

tards who think themselves to be wise. They are indeed th

ures, leaving Klade dumbstruck. But the next words t

y son, and your

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