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Something Between Us

Chapter 2 | Wrong Guy Between Us

Word Count: 1795    |    Released on: 08/09/2021

eeted me quietl

d as I opened my locker and too

than yes

ter at the end of the day

e should do it. I mean, let's just leave hi

hat. It's not much. He

d uncerta

t to help me, it's okay

e said, still appea

ne will know it was us," I said

sitting with my group of friends

ted at a table. Claire and I were discussing our plan while Tyler, Josh

dn't know what we were going to do. If they knew th

y party? It's next week," Darren

ah, I'm coming, and Cl

. I don't want to," C

that you no longer cry over him

ing to b

ole school comes t

t if he knows it was us who did wh

. Don't ruin this. Come to the party, for me?" I ga

ive me t

do this little thing

iltily at me. "F

formed on my

ed. I had Chemistry, Physics, English and Math. Chemi

great in it. I had studied for it. Even if I

ed to dying for me. And I was too young to die. I was very weak in M

ut I just couldn't take it anymore. I fell asleep during

ous as if she was about to commit a crime. School was over and we

ll him, although that would be much better. Don't w

." She sighed sadly and I knew five more minutes of her

douche bag. Do you want him to do

me a crybaby because I'm not."

yeah wh

ing sure no one saw us, I quickly grabbed a blue paint bucket. I s

to a hospital?" Claire freaked out when I

s us. We'll be wearing a scarf! He wouldn't have any idea that it was us," She st

ting the situation, "Fine! But if we get caug

l be responsible

include Claire in revenge plans. As we hid in the bushes of the parking lot near to Jesse's bike, Claire complained about ants and spiders. She com

a lot of creepy insects!) a pair of legs approaching Jesse's bike. I couldn't see his fac

Claire to do it. Her eyes widened and she hes

it all over him. He let out a surprised girly yelp as the blue paint covered his hair, messing up his leather jacket and dripped down to his jeans. He was about to turn but I quickly covered my fac

rod and gla

ot as much force as I would have liked. I heard Claire jump out of the bushes and run towards me. I knew she was going to stop me from hitting him,

. He still hadn't turned his ugly f

nued to hit him. This didn't feel enough. I

im anymore. I looked at Claire who looked shocked and beyond scared. I was expectin

ike a big smurf?"

s not him!"

her as I feverishly prayed that whatever that I just hea

has blonde hair! Thi

on the road. He had black hair.

ut of my hands as I bent over the figure.

led him!" Claire c

e! I didn't hit him that hard!" I said as I shook

a horrified expression on her face, muc

ed me to fall down. I squealed as I felt the body move beside me. My butt hit the ground and I groaned. In a second, I was struggling

n. I was too terrified to see who it was. What

ned my head to look at him. My mou

n Sm

dumb people. The only one who doesn't have a record of any bad behavior. I gulped. So what if he's the good

stand up somehow whereas I was still on the ground. He glared down at me, grab

definitely a murderer behind the good boy fa?ade. "I don'

as a mistake," Was all I c

o be in some

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