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Falling for my Teacher

Falling for my Teacher

Author: Janis Ross

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 769    |    Released on: 09/09/2021



d friends. I get to start over where no one knows me. It is pretty scary though. I have never been ve

en pretty. I was just a full figured no body. Maybe coming here will finally give me some confidence.

am in a big city, I have endless possibilities. I walked around campus so I could know where I was going when clas

to where I was going when I walked into something.

wasn't looking wh

every day I have a beauti

id. No one has ever sai

ld let you get back t

the day. Are

st moved t

show you this great c

t want to say no because I ma


some coffee. We talked about our families, and what we did for fun. I didn't tell him I was a freshman because I knew he


tiful woman as Brie. I wonder what she was teaching

do you teach at

t me weird t

student a freshman, so t

ck. I meet a girl that makes my heart race, and she is a student. This was my first year at the

grade are

e and smiled he

y but I h

y somethi

a mistake. It was

get away from her before I did something stupid. This was a big campus I doubt I'd ever see her again any way

ulled up then headed up to my apartment. I picked this place because it was close to the campus. That way if I wante

he other teachers gave me dirty looks when they met me. I had to stay away from Brie i

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