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Amidst Chaos

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 2091    |    Released on: 09/09/2021

on me after all these years. It was almost 11 pm and still he was a no show. Was he avoiding me on purp

e are


ght and went to bed with mixed emotions. I didn't want to jump to conclusions. I mean, there must have been some kind of emergency, for h

a virgin

and checked my reflection in the mirror before making my way towards the living room which was empty. Did he even come home last night? I slowly opened the door to his room and peeped insid

my heart and turned around slowly to find him rubbing his eyes. Hi

, fo

sked, raising an eyebrow and fol

friends," he shrugged, grabbi

le he remained silent. He was acting as if nothing happened y

. It shouldn't


as racing. What the fuck did he mean by 'It shouldn't have happened' Well, i

u said," I blurted out so that he wouldn'

rried away," he held my shoulders, trying to read my face. I could feel m

tried so hard not to break down even though my heart was

ime. That must be the reason," he let out a small chuckle, making my eyes go w

a small smile and placed a plate of toast in

a concerned look on his face, "I know we both didn't want it to happen

hand from his grip, patting his shoulder. I rushed to my room and closed the door, pac

ng to cry. Not o

erything to be alright? I brushed away my tears angrily and broke d

d I be s

ay and stayed in bed, wallowing in my sorrows. He knocked on my door twice to ask if I wanted to hang out but I shot him down saying I was having a headache. I wasn't ready to face him right now. How could he act like everything was normal between us? Did it mean n

s such

ok presentable. I wore a faded top and blue jeans while tying my hair in a ponytail and jus

antly smiled at the sight of her. In the past week, she had become one of my favor

so early?" I asked as I sat down

let out a small chuckle and gazed at her. She looked so cute with her pigtails. I noticed that

I replied, scrunching

eople feel better. You look sad, Ms. Thomson," s

eetheart," I caress

wrong to accept food from strangers," she po

e any more of her cuteness. I took a piece of

," she started dangling her leg

t?" She nodded eagerly, looking at me wit

pered in her ears and saw nothing but

she squealed, making my heart melt. I almost forgot

cca. 'Ms. Thompson'

started to examine her lunch box before closing it and keeping it in her bag. I laughed at her innocence, and to be honest I


in excitement and I shook

for the day. I observed the kids, packing their bags and leave the room while I stayed back, not sure if I wanted to

y life su

turning to my side. I found Xavier leaning against the door with one h

so hard not to stare at him but it was impossible when he was standing there looking like a Sex God, wearing a loose grey sweatshirt and dark stone jeans. I

e did that

hell was wrong with me? I was sad and depressed but

so inap

quite believe it, knowing what a nightmare she is at home," I laughed at his response and looke

t," I said in a stern voice. She had a w

excited," she mumbled sile

as just kidding," I replied

ng wide in shock and surprise. I

favourite?" she

g briefly at Xavier who wa

d down. I heard a deep rumble of laughter

talks about is you at home," I blushed a de

ing," I chuckled whi

I find it qui

look away from those gorgeous blue eyes. I still couldn't figure out the ex

should g

Mr. Philips, bye, Hannah,

e feel old when someone

id, dad." Hannah chirped and

ld focus on was how my name rolled off his tongue. It has been a while since someone called me by my


g a ridiculously hot guy right? I mean, it was not like I was going to act upon it. I shook my head, le

n a cool and

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