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Perfect Partner

Perfect Partner

Author: Bebbyshin

Chapter 1 01

Word Count: 1192    |    Released on: 09/09/2021


swear the woman who is now busy

n one of the cafe's waiters accidentally spills kiwi juice on her order

e heard a rude curse coming from one o

I -, I didn't mean it," said the w

drawn right hit th

d? Don’t you see all of thi

e. Right now!" Those beautifu

y passed before the woman who had snapped harshly and looked fo

d in contrast to the shirt he was wearing standing in

is cafe. Introduce my name ---" the manager had not yet had the c

are wet, and some are torn because of the

t, she ordered the cafe ma

fire your stu

fear behind his manager at the cruel

it miss. She also apologized to ---" again st

y time. Fuck!" That beautiful girl took care of all her

r. Whereas the manager and the employee who made a mistake, we're s

kendra. An architect whose name is already well-known among local and internationa


her apartment. She chose to stay in Indonesia for a

father is also a well-known and wealthy businessman, has sev

at’s why Amanda looks like a woman who looks so bea

t was wet and torn. Her head throbbed dizzy, thinking if the sheets

ur face like a paper towel?" ask

. That green-eyed woman settled in New York, but at this time, she was

fa, where Belina sat. Nana picked up the broken and wet she

is ..." Nana didn't

alling apart in a matter of seconds because of the

onder your face i

oing to do with all

Amanda looked so frustrated. Her work was done for the past week,

sinessman who had paid her a high price. It was worse. The f

rything from the sta

and put her arm around h

t!" Nana enco

anda answe


ue shirt was sitting behind his large desk. The man's long fingers open

e man has a super sharp gaze, is cold, flat-faced, and looks at everythi

someone by telepho

m now," the man

ounded. A man in a neat black suit slig

ked the man in a navy shir

d to take a look and th

proposed by Altakendra Corp. They w

veral times with this company. She designed the companies in Japan and Austria. For ad

of a man in a blue shirt when he heard the e

rmation about this woman.

s soon as possible," Brian e

ck eyebrows, sharp nose, chin, sharp and cold eyes, rarely expresses that he prefers to d

t young entrepreneur in the world. This man is also notorious for not wanting to be den

hile holding a file containing a solicit

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