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The Alpha's Witch

Chapter 3 First day in Woodhidge

Word Count: 2285    |    Released on: 17/09/2021


asurable? Those precious hours are part of my favourite time of the day. Unfortunately f

d as she opened my room's door,

, this is

so don't stare at me like I'm waking you too early.“ Mum frowne

ued. “I am going out and I won't

you going t

as no one has lived here in a while. I have to get some registration done,

yed that I wasn't fe

worry, it's not like other schools, you will just have to fil


the one who got this place cleaned up for us...I have told you a

”Bye Mum, it seems you have a lot on your pl

made as she went through it. Then the soft sputtering of her car's engine as she zoomed off. And

orning. That immediately brought my mind to what Caleb, the only true friend I had, said about the early morning predicament for men. Caleb, who was known to have a great sense of hu

, then I guess I

of Caleb, he calle

ven't given me updates on the..

ast night, did you expect me to write a fiv

ld have b

was over, I felt better. It wasn't bad hearing the voice of a friend especi

ust started seeing a girl. What was funny was I had never had a girlfriend nor I have been intimate with any girl. And while it seemed alright for a sixteen year old, I knew quite wel

e' about love. If you see a girl and like her, it is obvious you like how she looks and nothing else. You can't say you like a girl because of her c

to have serious hatred for the bracelet. I knew it was my little prison, at least, it was a prison for my powers. Because of it, I couldn't use my powers, and if it was taken off m

r. While it literally made me powerless, at least, it kept me alive. And I would have to bear to liv

black coffee, there was a knock at the

gift to the, you know, community." A boy my age, with a quite long brown hair sai

ugh he wore a hoody on it. He had very dark eyes and his

'm Lucas, nic

ou too...I'm Al

had a lot in common so it was easy for us to converse. Ten minutes into our first conversation, I had known that we

e could ever see. I had no idea what this town would bring for, and that I would have to have my last year of secondary education in the town was not really helping issues. Though I knew I was a Supernatural, it would take some time for

raphy by a vampire or werewolf. I couldn't wait to


retty much the most fun person I had ever met. She had been one of the most important people in my

nderstanding the woman...not ever. To Joanna, everyday was meant to be a ’fun' and she would always do all in her power to make sure there was lite

ould run to her home complaining that my parents were being too ‘mean' to me. As a matter of fact, my parents had been lovely people, at least while I was younger, and I had only been a naughty kid who couldn't take corrections. Growing up to be a teenager, I would go to h

s I still saw

close to the pages that her nose was touching the paper. As I look at her in the room—a place I was so familiar with, tears began to

was as though I was still sixteen and in high school. As I ran to meet her on the couch, she locked me in her tight embrace and I could see I wasn't the onl

en buried. I felt ashamed that I hadn't come for their burial. Even though we had issues, I should have found it my heart to forgive them, even

ve anyone here helping you

lways stayed with her, but the woman had lost her gra

to stay with you for the mean time, y

t my power is not completely useless...I can

u still need someone

se assigned someone else to me and G

lright, and I wouldn't have to go through the stress o

ng me how well-mannered the boy was, and she began singing praises for the bo

he is a

e dragon.” S

s kind. All I had heard of were dragons was how powerful and dangerous they were. One breath of theirs could melt the bones of any being. If Aunt Joanna was not a ver

home, I told her that I wanted to hi

nodding slowly. “Do you kn

sn't still th

cade ago, and there have been three ot

I know the curr

slightly. “You do

this p

hought on my shaken mind, which kept ringing repeatedly, was ‘

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